tricks you've done once and you wish u could do it again


Staff member
pegless front 5050s and heelwhips over gaps, i could probably do them again if i tried though

Matt Durnya

Bronze member
Well i got one foot on 360 bri whips but never landed it I got soo close a bunch of times atleast 6 times now I cant get close

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
oh god, i've done a lot i can't do any more.
3 whips. i had them on my district and lost them on my phoenix.
bartwist to bar.
briwhip airs.
fingerwhips (i'm re-learning them now).
front bris, i stopped doing them. i wanna do more, though.


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
front buttercups, havnt lost them just havnt tried in forever, so iv'e probably lost them haha.
backflips :(
720's, again, havnt tried for ages.


whip to whip to whip
tripple sactaps
frontbris(i always land switch now)
bri flat
super man downside airs
whip to doublewhip hips
bartwist late whips
halfcap to manual 3 out (landed tonight 1 time)
candi bars/ legsweeps
540 airs
3 to manuals
hang 5 whips
G turns
doubble bartwist
sactap tripple whip
quad whips
270 doubble downsides
270 front wheel grabs
270 bartwist
finger whip to whip
bri late can up a step up
360 any sets over 6s
whip rewind
foot jams
doubble whip to can plant
footplant super mans
fakie bartwist
front flips?(trowing them)
toboggan airs
decades flat
decades over pyrimids
noseblunt whips
icepick a 4 rail
doubble peg a kink rail

ahahaha theres manny more