this is the list about the news things what there will be :
The following changes are an implemented Clipshare version 3.0. The list is extensive, yet not exhaustive, as developing began some time before the author was affiliated with the ClipShare developing Team.
1. Downloading Speed
- Gunzip Compression in all pages by default: Added separate header and footer files in the "includes" folder. The header file is used to serve all pages using gunzip compression. Using the .htaccess files, we make sure there is no conflict between using gunzip from PHP and using mod_gunzip from Apache or the zlib module. Gunzip is also used for the "siteamin" pages. The header.php can also be used by the client, to pass additional header informartion to each page.
- Gunzip compression in all text files by gefault: Gunzip is also used to server all text files, such as javascript and css files.
- Additional obfuscation of javascript files and css compression: Javascript files are additionally obfuscated and css files are code-cleaned and compressed, to reduce even more the loading times. The original javascript files are retained in the "js" folder, if someone wishes to use them, instead or edit them. So do the original .css files, for the same reason.
- Gunzip compression can be turned on or off, usaing the administration panel.
- The script forces the browser to store all static files (images. javascripts, css, etc) to its cache, for 30 days and use them from there, without even making new http requests to the server, to check for new files. This is implemented by using a generic .htaccess technique AND Apache mod_headers, if the module is installed on the server.
Using these settings, drammaticaly reduces the downloading speed of each page and saves a very large amount of bandwidth for your website.
2. Execution speed
- All libraries (smarty,phpmailer,uu_upload) have been updated to their latest versions OR have been retained and further modified.
- AdoDB was dropped, beacuse it was found to be slow, in execution times. It has been replaced with the latest version of "AdoDBLite", further modified.
Our benchmarks have shown that the execution time for a small .php page, with minimal queries takes up to 0.001 seconds or even less and a .php page with lots of queries takes up to 0.02 seconds or even less, USING THE EACCELARATOR PHP module, and as long as the page has been cached one time by the Smarty Template Engine.
3. Security
- There are over 400 patches in security flaws, the previous version (2.5RC1) had. Most of them had to do with XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks and SQL injection. Also some other securoty patches were performed. Information on these flaws cannot be reveled publicly. Though there is not something as 100% secure, this step is to ensure ClipShare will have the maximum available security.
- FLV files protection. A unique method has been implemented, to protect your .flv video files from downloading. This, again, is not 100% secure, but will make it VERY HARD for someone to steal your videos. It uses a limited-seconds database-stored session for viewing videos, wherever a video may be posted. Hadn't it been for the "HTTP_REFERER" headers bug in the Flash(TM) Mozilla Firefox Plugin, a 100% secure method could have been implemented. Hoping Adobe will fix that in Flash(TM) Player 10. If there are web-master using to HAVE their videos leeched, well... tis can be done. The method includes just changing a line in the .htaccess file and can be found in the Documentation.
- Other security-related fixes and additions, that are mentioned below, in the "CHANGELOG" section.
4. Documentation
ClipShare version 3.0 distribution includes detailed documentation. The documentation covers the following issues:
- Steps before installing CS: Setting up your server, installing the required server modules and optimizing your server for performance and security.
- Installing clipShare
- Upgrading from previous ClipShare installations
- Using the ticket management system
- Using brightcove to stream your videos
5. Code-cleaning and proper file structure
ClipShare verson 3.0 has a more clean and organised file-structure.
- Duplicate files have been removed
- Obsolete files (php scripts, images, javascript files), that were not used, have been removed
- The file strcture has been re-organized, using a more logical approach and also using a single "tmp" folder, to store all of the dynamic files (user photos, smarty cache, video info temp folder, channel images, etc). No more looking and finding for folders to CHMOD to "777"!
6. Bug-fixes
Almost ALL of the bugs submitted in the official ClipShare Forum "BugTracker" section have been detected and have ben fixed. Also numerous other, undocumented bugs, found by the Developing Team, have been fixed as well. There were literally HUNDREDS of bugs fixed, most of them having to do with functionality and some woth problems in the output. ClipShare version 3.0, when released will have absolutely none or a very minmal number of bugs.
7. Full Unicode support
ClipShare version 3 is full-unicode. UTF-8 characters can be used everywhere: Video titles, video descriptions, tags, comments, unicode video files upload, you name it! All pages and the database are reverted to UTF-8. Right-to-left languages are also supported!
8. An extensive but not exhaustive list of Changes/Modifications/New Features (aka CHANGELOG)
a. General
- LICENSING: ClipShare version 3.0 comes with per-domain licence files. The file "function.php" (and ONLY this file) is encoded with Zend, to provide security for the licence information. However, it is linked to en external "functions_extend.php" file, to make and use your own functions, for extending the software (until the modular system arrives, that is).
- TEMPLATE: Clipshare version 3.0 will come with a brand-new, pure css and div, light-weight and very beatutiful default template.
- There is ONLY ONE configuration file and, even so, very few parameters have to be set up in this file. Most of the paramateres in the old configuration file, as well as the new ones, can now be changed in the administration area.
- You can now have the axact number of online guests and online members (separately), in the footer.
- There has been added a page execution time, in the footer, to track your server's performance. Can be turned on/off, in the adminsitration ara.
- "Channels" have been renamed to "Categories".
- "Groups" have been renamed to "Channels", since a more advanced "Groups" feature will be added in the future version, with lots of community features and interaction.
- All javascript libraries updated to their latest versions. Exist as normal versions and compressed/obfuscated versions in the file structure. The compressed version. of course, are the ones being used by default.
- Automatic Flash(TM) plugin detection and installation: In any page a video is posted, the page checks if the Flash(TM) plugin is installed (we don't use "swfobject" because we found it fails in 15% of the cases, but another javascript code which is 100% successfull). If not installed, it displays a link to Adobe(TM), for the user to download. If an older version that version 9 is installed, version 9 is installed automatically, from within the page.
- Added parts of the "swfobject" to the javascript libraries.
- Added the "greybox" to the javascript libraries. It's used to open various pages, photos and files (see below).
- Added a contact form.
- The view_video page doesn't brake nor becomes too wide, when adding long comments, by using a javascript fnction.
- CONTENT CONTROL: You can now choose which parts of the website (channels, view video, categories, forum, etc) will b available to ALL, to memebers only or will be completely disabled.
- PHOTO UPLOAD: Photo uplaods work the same way video upload does, is integrated in the same pages and used the same player. For full-screen view, the "greybox" is used. Currently does not support user albums.
- WYSIWYG editor: A new rich text editor is used in all major textarea fields, except from the comments input.
The 2.6 ClipShare version features a brand-new Flash Video Player. Upon popular requests, the following features are supported:
- TRUE full-screen mode (no video reloading, no pop-up windows), using the Flash Player 9 integrated full-screen mode.
- Support for protecting videos from downloading/leaching, using video sessions and keys-passwords for video viewing.
- Video smoothing and anti-aliasing for low-quality videos.
- Support for 16:9 videos, with letter-boxing.
- Will be also the default player for embedded videos, through external sites, also using video protection for leaching, in this case.
- Also supports other multimedia files, such as images and (with the proper tweaking I could make), sound files. It will probably be used for the upcoming Photo and Audio upload features.
- The Adobe Flash auto-install feature is used. If the user has an old version of Flash installed, Flash 9 is installed from within the page. If the uses doesn't have Flash at all, he gets a message and a link to get it from Adobe.
- The size footprint of the player is extremely small, about 11KBytes only!
- DOES NOT provide embed code from within the player window, since 2.6 supports private videos and 18+ videos. The embed code is provided purely from within the script, using a php/javascript file. Videos embedded externally will also add to your video count.
- The Player looks (colors, controls, etc) can be customized, by simply editing a small .xml file. Though these variables should be passed as option, in the administration area, later.
b. Index page:
- Added an area with a customized message from the site (small news section). Can be posted and turned on/off, in the adminsitration ara.
- Added an area with a deafult video embedded. Can be posted and turned on/off, in the adminsitration ara.
- Added an area with "Top Videos" shown. Can be posted and turned on/off, in the adminsitration ara.
- The Recently Viewed section can now also show "Recently Added", "Most Popular", "Last Added", "Most Commented" and "Top Favorite Videos", in the same fashion and using a tabbed interface.
- Featured Videos can be limited to a certain number, in case you don't bother removing the "featured" tag from old videos. Newest uploaded videos have the priority, if more videos thatn this certain number are featured. The number can be edited in the adminsitration ara.
- Added a "Video Of The Day" block in the right side. Can be turned on/off, in the adminsitration ara. Also, you can select the video in the administration area.
- Added a "Top Categories" block. Can be turned on/off, in the adminsitration ara.
- Added a "Top Channels" block. Can be turned on/off, in the adminsitration ara.
- Poll issues have been fixed. Also dropped the use of the "scriptaculous" javascript libraries, since the only place used were to show/hide the users panel and the poll panel and for better downloading speed.
c. Videos
- Added an option "All" when viewing the videos. This allows to view all videos, alphabetically.
- Added support for 18+ videos. 18+ videos can be viewed only by registered members, have a "18+" thumbanail, which is displayed in evry possible place a video thumbnail can be found. Also, the user cannot change the "18+" attribute, when editing such a video. 18+ videos cannot be externally streamed nor embedded.
- Added support for streaming videos through the "" Content Delivery Network. This is an Administrator-only option, when posting a video. Hosting your videos at brightcove, will save you huge amounts of bandwith. Note that brightcove doesn't accept porn nor any king of illegal material.
- Added proper support for private videos. Now, private videos are locked-down and only people in your friends list can watch them. Also cannot be externally streamed nor embedded.
- "Feature" and "Reort Video" links are protected by malicious guest or spiders/robots.
- More sanitized look or view_video.php, using tabbed interfaces and better comments output.
- The Administrator can delete any comment.
- Revamped "Send To Friend" page. The page opens inline, using "greybox" and the form is protected by a captcha security image.
- More video details are posted (country, location, etc), in view_video.php.
- Publisher details are posted, in view_video.php: Avatar, name (linked to profile), friends, videos, etc, a link to subscribe and a link to send a private message.
- Previous and Next video issue fixed (if the previous video didn't have the ID of the video displayed minus 1, a thumbnail and link were not displayed. The same for the "Next" video link).
- The "Related Videos" area, in view_video.php also icludes a "More from this user" tab, with more video from the same user.
d. Channels (Previously "Groups").
- Channels are displayed using SEO (
- Channels can olny have publi videos (not private, not 18+)
- Better-looking page, usign a tabbed interface
- The last video posted in the Channel is displayed in the channel's index page. Also adds +1 to the view video count
- Added Channel's View/visit count
- Added an "About" section, to post general info on the Channel.
- Channel can use it's onn stylesheet and/or html code.
- When a user is subscribed to a Channel, he is informed by e-mail, about new video posted.
e. Categories (previously "Channels"
- All videos can now be viewed in a Category and an unlimited number of videos is supported.
f. Forum
- Integrated a small-filesize footprint, AJAX based Web 2.0 forum. Can be turned on/off, in the adminsitration ara.
g. User Profile
- SEO:
- A more sanitized look in the user's profile, using a tabbed interface.
- More statistics on the user's profile: Signed up, Last Login, Profile viewed, Videos uploaded, Videos watched, User's video views, Rating, Subscribers
- Online/offline indicator
- User can use his own stylesheet and/or html code, to post additional info
- User's detailed subscription info: To which user's videos and to which channels the user is subscribed to and which users are subscribed to this user's videos.
- The last video of the user is displayed in the user's profile page (only public and not 18+ videos). Also adds +1 to the view video count.
- Users subscribed to someone's videos, get notified by e-mail, when new videos are posted.
- User Profile Edit Mode uses too a tabbed interface
- AVATAR UPLOAD NUDITY CONTROL: You don't have to worry if users upload portn to their Avatars... cause now THEY CANNOT! The script takes care of that!
- Private messages on/off: User can choose whether or not to receive private messages.
- Private Messages Outbox: Track if the messages you have sent have been delivered or not.
- Changing the Profile Info requires password verification. Also the password can be changed in the Profile Edit mode.
- User control Panel/Welcome screen: Use all of th user's function from a handy Cotrol Panel, on the top-left of the screen, showing also the user's avatar.
h. Community
- More sorting options in the users page (sort by name, last subscribed, most active, most popular, descending or ascending). Also search for members with Avatar only and/or using the online indicator. Also search by user name, with wildcard (*) support.