

Steel Member
Tell how you got taken down for stealing an iphone or assaulting your neighbor, or even school problems like this: i got 17 detentions in one day:3 for making fun of jews, 2 for beeming a kid with my bookbag, 5 for tripping a kid down stairs, 3 for drawing a dick on the whiteboard, 2 for tackling a short kid and calling him an oompaloompa, and 2 for making fun of a fat kid. I WAS ON A FUCKIN ROLL


i got a year of probation for having posession of a stolen iphone haha
and i got tased because we started a fire on a pyramid so we can see(it was late and we were drunk) so i tried out running the cops
and tons of other stuff that i dont fel like typing out


liltony said:
i got into unspeakable trouble i cant talk about
what a surprise dude you are so gnarly. did you think about commiting suicide after? i think i would growing up on the hard side of dover, nj. like i couldnt handle it if i had enemys that wanted to kill me. shit is so burly.


Jon..cmon, youve been here long enough to know that this belongs in the "Discuss Anything" section. So im gonna move it.


Steel Member
Jon Pontecorvo said:
Tell how you got taken down for stealing an iphone or assaulting your neighbor, or even school problems like this: i got 17 detentions in one day:3 for making fun of jews, 2 for beeming a kid with my bookbag, 5 for tripping a kid down stairs, 3 for drawing a dick on the whiteboard, 2 for tackling a short kid and calling him an oompaloompa, and 2 for making fun of a fat kid. I WAS ON A FUCKIN ROLL


Staff member
I don't get into much trouble now a days.
Last thing i can remember was getting a detention for taking a 30 minute dump in 9th grade, apparently i was gone for more than half the period.


Steel Member
Stevenson-Scoot said:
Jon Pontecorvo said:
Tell how you got taken down for stealing an iphone or assaulting your neighbor, or even school problems like this: i got 17 detentions in one day:3 for making fun of jews, 2 for beeming a kid with my bookbag, 5 for tripping a kid down stairs, 3 for drawing a dick on the whiteboard, 2 for tackling a short kid and calling him an oompaloompa, and 2 for making fun of a fat kid. I WAS ON A FUCKIN ROLL
i had like 6 redbulls and have insane adhd


Steel Member
well this year alone. i got 3 detention 3 inschool suspentions. 3 saturday schools. 1 out of schoool. i got two fines for being out past curfew one $75 the other $156. yeah im not that good of a kid i guess?

Matt Ogle

i used to get in trouble a bit.

haha main one was when we got caught by the cops past curfew with some ...easy girls lol that had weed on them. Ran away from them and got caught (long story short), ended up with 200$ fine, 24 hours of community service and a 5 hour class. haha but it got dropped so im good now <3


Peace Keeper
Staff member
zolof said:
i got a year of probation for having posession of a stolen iphone haha
and i got tased because we started a fire on a pyramid so we can see(it was late and we were drunk) so i tried out running the cops
and tons of other stuff that i dont fel like typing out
U got fuckking tazed what did it feel like