were fucked.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
lol 7december has a poem thingy and a riddle and ANOTHER countdown.

do you need any more evidence that this is nonsense? this is either some type of online game some developers are playing, a strait up hoax, or a publicity stunt for some company that will make itself known soon enough.

heres info on the domain host.

balgat mah. 1409 sok. no:14/6
Tel. +90.5364488944


that's his facebook.
im sure the people who run the illuminati have facebooks and live in turkey.


someone on the abovegaysecret forum posted this:
"OK I called, confirmed I was speaking with the named owner and that he was indeed both owner and webmaster of the 7december site. At first he stated "I cannot tell you anything about this domain" but soon after he said he is selling the domain and wanted to generate traffic to the site to boost its value. When asked the connection between illuminati.org he stated there was none and that he coincided the timer because it was being discussed widely online... "

it's surprising to see anyone on above top secrete being logical, but yea.. there you go.

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
The Illuminati shit has absolutely NOTHING to do with the end of the world or any of that shit! So yes, all of these websites are bullshit!

The Illuminati theories are about the "anti-christ" (which doesnt mean what everyone thinks it does..) and the NWO, which is completely plausible. The NWO is never said to be some fucking league of mad scientists planning to take over the world.. All it is, is a universal government (not literally universal, so dont start with that alien bullshit) that tries to bring world peace and shit like that. Governments have been trying to do that for years, so its completely plausible, that not a conspiracy its fucking history.
The NWO is supposed to be led by who would be considered the "anti-christ". People think that means the devil or some evil person... NO! The "anti-christ" is someone who questions religion and basically disproves it and starts his own following and then gets such a big base of followers that he gets into a powerful position, like becoming the president, by basically brain washing everyone with his own bullshit. He carries out his plans for peace, gains trust from almost the entire world, and then pretty much takes over with his group of followers. Ever hear of Imperialism?

Now after reading that, think about how many people throughout history have tried shit like this. Ever heard of Hitler? He was considered the "anti-christ" back in his day. Some people say Obama could be the "anti-christ" because of all the "good" changes he was planning to do. But since power is so widely spread through the government and everything is so corrupt, it would be hard for one person to successfully do any of this. Hence why people think it would be a group effort. Back to the Hitler example, he wasnt alone, he had an entire army. And dont come in here arguing that all Hitler did was kill Jews, because that didnt happen until after he gained peoples trust. Sure he used them as a scapegoat at first, gained a following and then did what he thought was the solution (see the deception? Like the "anti-christ" would use?)

I dont care if you guys think Im being like Adam, because if you take the time to read this youll know Im not. Im just saying that if you really know what the original Illuminati stuffs about, its 100% plausible and backed by history. Some people need to step outside of their own little mind bubble where everything is how they see it, no if, ands, or buts, and stop taking shit so literally.
Of course the countdown is bull----- because:
1. Its crazy asshole conspiracy theorists on the INTERNET
2. It has nothing to do with the fucking Illuminati theories!

This isnt at anyone specifically, Im not directing this at anthony or anyone else. Im jsut tired of seeing all these threads die by people saying the exact same shit as in all the other threads. People should look into stuff before they become know it all keyboard warriors. Read this and think about history, dont take every god damn word literally, and think about it before you people just say "Ive never seen the Illuminati, they dont exist".
People talk about cults all the time, but you never see many public cults. Theyre always very secretive. So what says the Illuminati/ Free Masons arent the same thing? Theres masonic temples, but how do we know what goes on? Heres another example: Just because youre a Catholic, doesnt mean you know what happens in the Vatican. (thats an example. Dont de-rail this into a religious debate.)

Im not being like Adam and saying this is true, but Im tired of people always bitching when they obviously dont know shit about the subject. Like I keep saying over and over, look into the original stories of the Illuminati, not all this end of the world shit.
This is long, but whatever. Maybe youll actually understand what I mean if you read the whole thing.

Let the tl;dr's begin.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
All i want to see is actual evidence. Just because something is historically plausible, or there were/ are free masons, doesnt mean these free masons are controlling the world and have a new world order set up, plausible =/= factual. If some evidence is provided that isnt just a bunch of coincidental symbolism, i will be more than willing to take a look. Until then, since all i have seen is "look at that picture, theres a triangle in it, therefore NWO" im going to remain extremely skeptical about it.

I understand the theories, i was into them, i just need to see actual evidence.
Just a warning though, when/if i get this evidence, im going to scrutinize the shit out of it, so don't say im close minded if i debunk it, i will site sources and i will explain why the evidence isnt sufficient.

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
"plausible =/= factual"

Thats what Ive been trying to say the whole time..
There are FACTS from hsitory that make this PLAUSIBLE. I never said anything about this being true.
No offense, but youre just a kid from Jersey, an average citizen. So am I and so is everyone, essentially. Why would we be provided with ground breaking evidence? Once again, Im not saying this stuffs true or if I believe it, but why would a secret society suddenly reveal themselves or their plans? That wouldnt make much sense.

I agree about the symbolism. Some of it is kind of weird, but a lot of it is really a stretch. And that ties into what I was saying about how the stories of the Illuminati have been so warped through the years, mainly because of all the loonys being able to put anything they want on the internet. After me saying that, you might say how do we know that this isnt how this whole thing started? Because the idea of the Illuminati has been around LONG before computers.

The majority of people in the government are openly masons. One of my favorite sets to ride is at a masonic temple. So to your statement "Just because something is historically plausible, or there were/ are free masons, doesnt mean these free masons are controlling the world and have a new world order set up", there are still free masons, and they are a huge part of the government.
Once again, theres a fact that makes this plausible, not true, but plausible.

I understand you have strong opinions about stuff, so do I, but you really do need to accept that theres things that none of us can prove OR disprove. Sometimes people need to look at things with a more open mind, but take it with a grain of salt. People are too fucking literal now a days.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
"plausible =/= factual"

Thats what Ive been trying to say the whole time..
There are FACTS from hsitory that make this PLAUSIBLE. I never said anything about this being true.
No offense, but youre just a kid from Jersey, an average citizen. So am I and so is everyone, essentially. Why would we be provided with ground breaking evidence? Once again, Im not saying this stuffs true or if I believe it, but why would a secret society suddenly reveal themselves or their plans? That wouldnt make much sense.

I agree about the symbolism. Some of it is kind of weird, but a lot of it is really a stretch. And that ties into what I was saying about how the stories of the Illuminati have been so warped through the years, mainly because of all the loonys being able to put anything they want on the internet. After me saying that, you might say how do we know that this isnt how this whole thing started? Because the idea of the Illuminati has been around LONG before computers.

The majority of people in the government are openly masons. One of my favorite sets to ride is at a masonic temple. So to your statement "Just because something is historically plausible, or there were/ are free masons, doesnt mean these free masons are controlling the world and have a new world order set up", there are still free masons, and they are a huge part of the government.
Once again, theres a fact that makes this plausible, not true, but plausible.

I understand you have strong opinions about stuff, so do I, but you really do need to accept that theres things that none of us can prove OR disprove. Sometimes people need to look at things with a more open mind, but take it with a grain of salt. People are too fucking literal now a days.

"No offense, but youre just a kid from Jersey, an average citizen. So am I and so is everyone, essentially. Why would we be provided with ground breaking evidence?"

This statement alone would usually be enough for me to completely disregard a subject. If there's no real evidence that can make a claim hold it's own, theres no reason to believe it.

"there are still free masons, and they are a huge part of the government."

Is there a list of verified (admitted) free masons in the government? Can't find one. What i do know, is that there are 6 million free masons in the world, each area with a specific grand lodge that sets it's rituals and practices, and any male at least 25 years old with good moral practices and a belief in some kind of god can be a free mason. Usually they just do charity work and stuff like that.
they even have a website

Too me this looks like a college fraternity for grown ups, without the college. Just a club of people who, from what i can see, appear to be lunatics. (now that i read into it more, they actually seam like nice people. delusional, but good people.)

"I understand you have strong opinions about stuff, so do I, but you really do need to accept that theres things that none of us can prove OR disprove."

My opinions can be changes with evidence, i don't have any attachment to my opinions. And really i feel disingenuous calling them "opinions" because these issues are based around facts, therefore they aren't a matter of opinion anyway.
As for not being able to disprove anything, theres no need, if something cannot be proven, it defaults as false, theres no need to disprove what can't be proven, because it can't be proven anyway.

Theres really no debate without evidence to support claims. It's like "hey, i have a unicorn in my room, theres no evidence it's there but in history there are unicorns, so it is very plausible it's there even if there's no actual evidence, and therefore you should believe it"

Right now the free masons arent really looking like huge political players right now, so far my searches have lead me to youtube videos with a ton of symbolism, even looking through the list of notable free masons on wikipedia i found that most were dead.

Furthermore, a look at freemason statistics show a huge decline in membership in the past 100 years.

Also, take a look at the little "who are we" bit at the bottom.
Theres no mention of "illuminati" or anything of the sort, they're just a bunch of people (who invite any 25+ year old male to join) that do work in various different categories. If they are the illuminati and are secretly controlling the world, i see no evidence of this and since theres no evidence, it can be disregarded or considered myth until evidence is presented.

edit: On the ask a freemason site, they address a bunch of conspiracy theories. Like the denver airport myth. The free mason symbol is there on the stone because it was placed there as a gift by the free masons in 1994, it's a time capsule to be opened in 100 years.
Now if someone breaks into the time capsule and finds terabytes of information about our society, blue prints to build everything we have now ect.. then we have some shit to start worrying about lmao.

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
Alright, Im gonna sound like Adam here, but if theres a SECRET society within the Free Masons, of course they would deny it. If they came out and juist said "oh hey guys, were the illuminati. We want to control everything you do." It would cause mass hysteria. And thats what Im trying to say, we will never know if theres even any truth behind this.

Theres no set evidence so i understand why you dont believe it, but at the same time theres a lot of coincidences and shit from history so that why some people believe it, or just think it could be possible. Just cause someone believes something, doesnt mean its gonna happen.

What Ive been trying to say is that this sounds like total bull----- but CERTAIN PARTS of it seem like there might be something to it. But who am I to say its real? Who are you to say its fake?
Im tired of seeing these threads just turn into a shitfest of people just saying the other people are wrong. This is the kind of subject that cant be proven or disproven, so you kind of need to look at both sides to get a full understanding and pick out the shit and the POSIBILITIES.
Youre posting everything that makes you not believe it, but people could come in here posting stuff that does make them believe. What makes yours so much more credible? Theyre governemnt sites? Doesnt this theory revolve around the government? Your sources arent gonna change a believers mind, and their sources arent gonna change your mind.
Youre a great debater and a smart guy, but sometimes you gotta look at both sides instead of jumping to conclusion and respect other peoples point of views instead of just telling them theyre wrong according to what you found online, because everything they say is also fueled by what they find online.