"plausible =/= factual"
Thats what Ive been trying to say the whole time..
There are FACTS from hsitory that make this PLAUSIBLE. I never said anything about this being true.
No offense, but youre just a kid from Jersey, an average citizen. So am I and so is everyone, essentially. Why would we be provided with ground breaking evidence? Once again, Im not saying this stuffs true or if I believe it, but why would a secret society suddenly reveal themselves or their plans? That wouldnt make much sense.
I agree about the symbolism. Some of it is kind of weird, but a lot of it is really a stretch. And that ties into what I was saying about how the stories of the Illuminati have been so warped through the years, mainly because of all the loonys being able to put anything they want on the internet. After me saying that, you might say how do we know that this isnt how this whole thing started? Because the idea of the Illuminati has been around LONG before computers.
The majority of people in the government are openly masons. One of my favorite sets to ride is at a masonic temple. So to your statement "Just because something is historically plausible, or there were/ are free masons, doesnt mean these free masons are controlling the world and have a new world order set up", there are still free masons, and they are a huge part of the government.
Once again, theres a fact that makes this plausible, not true, but plausible.
I understand you have strong opinions about stuff, so do I, but you really do need to accept that theres things that none of us can prove OR disprove. Sometimes people need to look at things with a more open mind, but take it with a grain of salt. People are too fucking literal now a days.
"No offense, but youre just a kid from Jersey, an average citizen. So am I and so is everyone, essentially. Why would we be provided with ground breaking evidence?"
This statement alone would usually be enough for me to completely disregard a subject. If there's no real evidence that can make a claim hold it's own, theres no reason to believe it.
"there are still free masons, and they are a huge part of the government."
Is there a list of verified (admitted) free masons in the government? Can't find one. What i do know, is that there are 6 million free masons in the world, each area with a specific grand lodge that sets it's rituals and practices, and any male at least 25 years old with good moral practices and a belief in some kind of god can be a free mason. Usually they just do charity work and stuff like that.
they even have a website
Too me this looks like a college fraternity for grown ups, without the college. Just a club of people who, from what i can see, appear to be lunatics. (now that i read into it more, they actually seam like nice people. delusional, but good people.)
"I understand you have strong opinions about stuff, so do I, but you really do need to accept that theres things that none of us can prove OR disprove."
My opinions can be changes with evidence, i don't have any attachment to my opinions. And really i feel disingenuous calling them "opinions" because these issues are based around facts, therefore they aren't a matter of opinion anyway.
As for not being able to disprove anything, theres no need, if something cannot be proven, it defaults as false, theres no need to disprove what can't be proven, because it can't be proven anyway.
Theres really no debate without evidence to support claims. It's like "hey, i have a unicorn in my room, theres no evidence it's there but in history there are unicorns, so it is very plausible it's there even if there's no actual evidence, and therefore you should believe it"
Right now the free masons arent really looking like huge political players right now, so far my searches have lead me to youtube videos with a ton of symbolism, even looking through the list of notable free masons on wikipedia i found that most were dead.
Furthermore, a look at
freemason statistics show a huge decline in membership in the past 100 years.
Also, take a look at the little "who are we" bit at the bottom.
Theres no mention of "illuminati" or anything of the sort, they're just a bunch of people (who invite any 25+ year old male to join) that do work in various different categories. If they are the illuminati and are secretly controlling the world, i see no evidence of this and since theres no evidence, it can be disregarded or considered myth until evidence is presented.
edit: On the ask a freemason site, they address a bunch of conspiracy theories. Like the denver airport myth. The free mason symbol is there on the stone because it was placed there as a gift by the free masons in 1994, it's a time capsule to be opened in 100 years.
Now if someone breaks into the time capsule and finds terabytes of information about our society, blue prints to build everything we have now ect.. then we have some shit to start worrying about lmao.