I was grinding and near the back wheal it wore down and just put hole in it and cracked
The deck only really broke then because of the grinds you do, as you mentioned you do grind curbs which can wear the deck down a ton
If the deck wasn't grinded down a lot it would've lasted quite a lot longer, so I guess the deck wasn't really that weak
If you love doing mostly grinds you should get a pair of Chromoly pegs, they'll help your deck dropouts last so much longer and you can always turn them when they wear. Also try aim to only grind on waxed ledges and any ledges with metal coping, they slide the best without wearing, concrete curbs will eat your deck haha
For a deck, get whatever you want but make sure you get pegs and wax if you haven't already and you should be good, but generally decks with good shaped dropouts (like Phoenix, AO, TSI, etc) would be good for you to get