All you ever do is come on here and complain about how the current status of the SR isn't how it used to be and that somehow that's a bad thing. It's evolved and yes, there are more little kids arguing and whatnot, but it's a much larger community now and it's only getting bigger. It's out-done two other major forums (TRW and Inside) for years now, that must mean something right?
That proves two things..
That little kids love arguing with eachother over pointless things and will group together to argue even more.
That alot of the older riders have either moved on from forums because they cant stand it, or grew out of it.
I used to be on here everyday too, same with TRW, but people get older and have things to take care of. Popular things on SR like whos scooter looks better and who can be the most sarcastic asshole loses priority over growing up and having responsibilities to take care of so you can even find the time to ride.
Scooter forums went from a supportive community towards a large gathering of kids who like to argue about brands and pointless things rather than worry about something beneficial towards their sport.. Like how are we going to help freestyle scootering get recognized as a worldwide sport after over a decade of involvement and give it the respect it deserves?
Ive lost alot of interest in the community from all this, but I will always be friendly and respectful to an older rider Ive known in the past reguardless of their company or involvement.