prob wen i went over the bars on a moto, was a new upramp to a stepdown nto a dam, didnt see the new one, tried to seat bounce at the last second.. there was a hole in the up ramp, hit it and ent over the bars, broken collarbone in 4 places sticking right up into my chin, nad broken elbow in 4 places which rsulted in 1 plate 4 screws.. it sucked, took 1 and a half year for collarbone to heal properly, still a gap in there now, the bone flexes wen i push it dowm to this day, will never heal
but on a scooter prob doing a manual in the dark, scooter flipped up and the clamp smacked me in the head, bled for a bit but as soon as it hit my head i threw the scooer and then that hit my other frend in the leg LOL.. now i just smoke ciggarettes and scooter, chilled life