Who are the OG's of the sport?

yessss WILL BRANSON was the shit

Matt Davies fool was slashing one handed hurricanes down 12 stair handrails way back in the day
ive been riding a really long time , about ten years since i landed my first tail whip when i was 7 , im not an OG tho didn't really do much when i was a little kid to change the sport haha

Tom Cirbee

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i started in summer 2006.

i consider people who started in 2005 or earlier OG.

midwest OG's include:
Matt Andrus
John Jacobs
Josh Young
Dylan Kasson
Matt Ogle
Bobby "Slasher" Vaughn
Eddie Strzlkowski was the first Chicago rider
then Jordan Brady came up but he doesn't ride anymore
AJ Lohens has been around for a longg time

...yeah not much for midwest guys, scene is fairly new

I really don't consider myself OG. I've been riding since 2007, but I do like seeing my name thrown out there for this list. I heard Eddie might start riding cuz his little brother's friend is hooking him up with a new scooter. And another midwest(moved from Arizona) OG is Josh Traut. Hes been riding for like 8 years or something.


Staff member
people who are still active in the sport/community:
Andrew Broussard
Thomas "Bibito" Obadia
Helmeri Pirinen
Tyler Bonner
Aaron Bransdon
Rob Regad
Ben Grantham
Timur Mamatov
Rob Regad

..i probably missed a few people.


Rob really isn't riding anymore. He's moved on to mountain biking, it seems.

But y u no Bryant Walker? He's really starting to get back in it now.


--> november 4th, 2012.

I've been around a while but haven't contributed much (useful) things to the scooter world, not much of an OG. Just a fungi to ride with.