Who are the OG's of the sport?

Bear Grylls

lol im not og but i have a bit of nostalgia going though my photobucket



Dean Bost

Bronze member
I don't think anyone mentioned Brian Murphy.

Pretty much anyone who rode on the old whip scooters crew is an og as well

Kyle B.

Bronze member
Ben Jelink, Mike Montgomery, Jake O'donell i was going to buy a deck from Jake but i busted out my teeth before he got there
Not sure if anyone posted this or remembers him.

Phil Lagettie

I remember when those blue yaks were the best aftermarket wheel. Babboon Jonny bought a box of like 300 it was sick. They lasted a whole year. Haha


The OGs... man o man.
Mr. Toy
Mr. Ricky W.
Terry Price
Brandon Kilbury (og ramp in driveway steez!)
Brian Boston (guys got a trick named after him, thats og haha)

Watch Anarchy 1/2, and some NBS vids and youve got plenty of OG stars :)