Why do you ride?


cuz you can have alot of fun with it and they arent as expensive as bikes...also not many ppl do it so when you go to a new skate park and do a siple trick like a 360 whip pll are like holy shit!!and it is much ezier to get pro on a scooter then on a bike or skate board...
I ride because there is nothin else to do when im not playin baseball. I also ride because its fun and I can do what I want. -ex. one day ride tryin to get better next day ride just to cruise


Madis said:
i rde 2 g3t sp0ncers!!!1!!
omgzzz so do I!!!111!11!1oneoneoneone

We shud lik teem up or sumthn n make liek a sup3r ub3r sc00t3r teem omgzz...

In all seriousness though, If you don't ride for chicks, then you're a faggot..


Hey, nothing wrong with scooter guys whom are actually gay.

I ride because in 2000 i thought I'd be the first pro. I loved it so much I didn't care when I saw RVM.
its the only thing i can do properly. its great its what makes me different from other ppl i hang around and just the great feeling of landing the new trick.. and that


you deffinatly are in the wrong sport...

(i think someone has said this same thing haha in reply to someone saying i ride for sex, but whatever)


RyanYoung. . said:
parkrrrrr said:
because bmx is too expensive

.. i hope thats not why you ride
i no haha omg if u ride scooter coz that just quit ,quit anyway like coz bmx is the 1 and an other resion i quit coz i was embarrassed of the sport like in front of people and bmx u dont get that


drewkeiper said:
haha, because i sucked at skating. and the girls.
i no DUB

but the girl
u dont get girls scootering haha if anything they would think its lame

and think ur stupid riding a scooter

if u wont to get girls ride bmx