Judo air
bar to cancan ice pick
footjams on a 6 foot quarter, woo.
bar to bar air
bar to whip air (oppo, normally bar downside)
450 downside whip a hip
oppo footjam
(oppo for me) invert airs pretty high!
all on my flatbar rail:
huricane halfcab whip
frontside board
frontside huricane
backboard frontside 180 to fakie downside out
whip to lip
lipslide bar while sliding
lipslide bar front side 180, 180 whip out
My banger for my video... I fell hard a few times though, so it turned into like a mental game. crazy stuff, I have a lump the size of a bouncy ball on my elbow. Also bar bars, which i sucked at
no foot can to inward
double finger whip the spine
whip bar whip
oppo 720
oppo 720 barspin
720 oppo bar
540 to disaster
inward drop-in
inward a 3 stair
front scooter flips
fakie inward
bartwist to whip over the spine
dip 3's
Bs Feeble to smith to bar out first try ever
BS feeble to nose manual to Fs feeble truck driver out.
whips out of BS and Fs feeble on ledges
Boosted over clicked inverts and turn Downs over spines and on flat.