Remember you think FS lips are where you're heading backwards, bro. Just keep your weight centered over the coping and you're golden. Too much on the back wheel and you'll slow down too much.
Footplants (Haha I know) on a wallride thing (I'm not a very good park rider lol)
Trucks off drops on lock, everytime.
Smith Grinds, going pretty far.
360 Whips off of a curb, too scared to try down a set yet.
Random Figure-Skating-Like Hang 5 thing, where Im going forward, 180, still in a hang 5, going backwards, and I end up spinning a 720, lol, I'll try to get video, its hard.
im not good with BS/FS so fuck these might be incorrect.
bs board a little bit
bs lip very pathetically
board bar out
board barspin during the grind
board 270 out
270 to lip? went at the rail with it on my heel side and 270'd on to it. dunno
over ice a very little bit
over tooth even littler
double peg whip out
bar twist/twizzlers down a little bit (never really tried)
double bars
barrel roll whip flyout
Frontflip whips
Tripple Bartwist ( worlds first? )
Frontflip bar to whip
Footplant frontflips
Stuck a 360 frontflip/cash roll but didn't land it
Almost landed frontflip fingerwhip and double fingerwhip
Frontflip whips Tripple Bartwist ( worlds first? )
Frontflip bar to whip
Footplant frontflips
Stuck a 360 frontflip/cash roll but didn't land it
Almost landed frontflip fingerwhip and double fingerwhip