Your bike thread


Hep Greg said:
im getting this on wednesday :)


NO BRAKES !amazed !amazed !amazed


^^ Well technically there are brakes, at least a way of slowing yourself other than putting a foot down.

Josh Serafin said:
NO. I have a friend who barely rides and he destroyed his. If you ride a bike the way you ride a scooter you'll hurt yourself with those. I suggest Odyssey Trailmix pedals, so grippy. I guarantee that they are gonna last a lot longer than the plastics too. Plus the plastics get so slippery especially if you ride trails.

That kid needs straight up JC's, I can see him even destroying those.


I don't understand why people like fixed gear. I can't see the pleasure in not being able to stop pedaling.


dude at the ice skating rink which is a place downtown where skaters bikers and scooterers ride at night cause its hella smooth and theres tons of ledges and shit or just chill there were these dudes mobbing around on road bikes.. like doing wierd freestyle shit on them or soemthing. like riding then braking so they go on their front wheel, then riding backwards. it was wierd

my freind built me a bike minus tubes and it has been sitting in his house for 2 weeks cause i keep forgetting to bring tubes :(


freestyle fix wheeling is awesome when i used to be on a bike forum there was this guy that used to upload the craziest videos ever


seankane said:
Josh Serafin said:
I don't understand why people like fixed gear. I can't see the pleasure in not being able to stop pedaling.

ride one, you'll change your mind
I have, and I hated it. Then again, I don't really find fun in just riding around, I have to be doing gaps and stuff.


Frame - Eastern Traildigger
Fork - Eastern Dragon
Bars - Macniel Silencer
Barends - Fly plugs
Stem - Odyssey elementary v2
Grips - Fly rubens
Headset - Stock eastern
Seatpost Clamp -Animal
Seatpost - Macniel pivotal
Seat - Kink slim pivotal
Brake cable- Odyssey Linear slic
Brake lever- Odyssey Monolever small
Brake Hanger- Fly
Rear Wheel - Stock Eastern
Front Wheel - Stock Eastern
Cranks - Eastern 3 peice
Pedals - Odyssey twisted pc
Sprocket - Kink sound 25t
Chain - Shadow interlock chain v2
Tires - Rear: Fly Rubens
Front: Stock

Mods: Cut seatpost, Cut flanges, Cut cable
Weight: 26-27 according to a bow pull machine.

This puppy is forsale atm :[