some kid broke his in a few months
Some wheels from lately, all were front wheels.
Chuncked 110 Fernando
Chuncked 110 Coedie hollowcore
110 MGP, Dehubbed, cracked 2 spokes beside dent, 3 or 4 bent spokes, and wheel caving in on itself before it started dehubbing
And proto is going to make me pay to send them back....
If they had to pay for every single warrantee part to be shipped to them they wouldn't have the money to make new and innovative stuff for you in the future. Proto isn't wal mart my man.
This could have happened anywhere during shipping or while in the hands of inward or whatever, packages go through some crazy shit. It's not Protos fault so you can understand that paying the small (in comparison) fee to get another one for free isn't that bad. Proto loses a fork sale by sending you one, if there are 100 warrantee forks or wheels thats talking A LOT of money they are out.
It sucks but at least you know your money is going a company who deserves it.
Lol if you honestly think a fork tube got bent during shipping, i don't even know what to say.....
They should pay for you to send it back.
Lol at a kid who somehow got Mod and thinks he is the shit now. I work at a scooter shop every single day and some shit we have had shipped to us has been crazy. From disfigured or totally rusted bars to decks with the paint scrapped right off the sides of it.
You never know is my point, I believe I read that he got it from Inward. I wouldn't sell a kid a bent fork and if I didn't notice it and he brought it to my attention I would exchange it for him and try to deal with proto ourselves as a shop. That way at least we have a happy rider able to ride his scooter and the shop might have a better chance of getting a replacement sent in the next order. If it was a defect from Proto messing up, no sweat the rider still is able to ride, he dosen't care. The shop or online shop should take more responsibility then what they do
You should check yourself dude, you're disrespectful to pretty much everyone and as a mod thats really unbecoming.
Lol at a kid who somehow got Mod and thinks he is the shit now. I work at a scooter shop every single day and some shit we have had shipped to us has been crazy. From disfigured or totally rusted bars to decks with the paint scrapped right off the sides of it.
You never know is my point, I believe I read that he got it from Inward. I wouldn't sell a kid a bent fork and if I didn't notice it and he brought it to my attention I would exchange it for him and try to deal with proto ourselves as a shop. That way at least we have a happy rider able to ride his scooter and the shop might have a better chance of getting a replacement sent in the next order. If it was a defect from Proto messing up, no sweat the rider still is able to ride, he dosen't care. The shop or online shop should take more responsibility then what they do
You should check yourself dude, you're disrespectful to pretty much everyone and as a mod thats really unbecoming.
I run a scootershop as well and this is how we behave as well.Lol at a kid who somehow got Mod and thinks he is the shit now. I work at a scooter shop every single day and some shit we have had shipped to us has been crazy. From disfigured or totally rusted bars to decks with the paint scrapped right off the sides of it.
You never know is my point, I believe I read that he got it from Inward. I wouldn't sell a kid a bent fork and if I didn't notice it and he brought it to my attention I would exchange it for him and try to deal with proto ourselves as a shop. That way at least we have a happy rider able to ride his scooter and the shop might have a better chance of getting a replacement sent in the next order. If it was a defect from Proto messing up, no sweat the rider still is able to ride, he dosen't care. The shop or online shop should take more responsibility then what they do
You should check yourself dude, you're disrespectful to pretty much everyone and as a mod thats really unbecoming.
I run a scootershop as well and this is how we behave as well.
The stuff that comes in (especially when it's shipped from the other side of the planet) goes through alot, so some bars occasionally get scratched or chipped but they usually don't get sold in their state (we either resell them for cheaper or re-paint them or use the parts ourselves, this is an example for handlebars i guess), and that is if we notice the faults in the first place which we usually do. But if a client sees it first, then well shit happens, congratz. Have you been working in delivery companys? I haven't, but I can imagine all packages go through a ton of shit so a minor scratch here and there does not have any effect since you're gonna scratch the bars anyway after dropping your scooter for the first time.
As for the bent fork legs earlier in this thread... as a rider from the other side of the planet, if somebody would send me a fork like that from across the earth, i'd just bend it in its original position by myself. If it's a bent steerertube, then I'd just get a new chromoly tube TIG-welded on it and modify the shit out of that so it would last a few good years. This is how it went down with the original SR v.1 and v.2 forks and one of my locals still used the modified SR v.1 with the chromoly steerertube which we got in 2006. That's six years ago. Sure, you could say that "yea, but i don't have any resources to modify such a fork" - i don't have any welding tools nor even a solid working bench here at home, but if i can find them, so can you.
Travis is on point.