Steve Moore
Steel Member
I've maxed out at about 7mph going uphill. But really, I think this thread needs this video:
rob can vouch for me when i say my hill is massive as fuck and steeper than tits. i went 57mph down it before (passed a speed trap), passed a car doing 25 and at the bottom of the hill when i finally slowed down (more like the top of the other side of the hill) the dude pulls next to me and calls me the baddest mother fuker hes ever seen lmao.
ive passed a cop doing 37 in a 25, got pulled over on my scooter lmao. we talked for 10 minutes about riding and how screwed i would be if i fell.
AND this other time i was doing maybe 25-30 and this piece of shit puts his right blinker on and turns to the left, i tried to avoid him but i clipped the back of his truck and flew 20 feet landing on all 4s. seriously as i sat there bleeding like crazy the dude gets out of the truck and laughs at me. holyy shit ive never been that pissed in my life. i threw a hand full of rocks at him and his car, swore at him using every word in the dictionary while he tried to grab me and hauled down the hill bleeding. worst part, i go to walgreens passing out from blood loss, and those pieces of shit didnt have a first aid kit.. i was like wtf this is a pharmacy. then they made me pay for gauze pads. i called the manager a piece of shit and whiped blood all over the counter top and told them to fuck themselves.. they pull out paper towels and alcohol and start cleaning it. i wanted to kill someone. then i rode my ass to the pizzaria and some cool ass dude came in with a brand new first aid kit and restored some of my hope for humanity. i had green and yellow infections for a good month on both hands and knees and when it cracked open is squirted green slime. so terrible.