your ramps/skatepark in your yard

Kenny O.

Medium sized flybox instead of flyout? Like the size of the openground one thats right before that hip you always boost erik.


yeah i think i'll do that.... now that i think about it it would def be better and there would be more lines and stuff




^^ I put sheet metal on this and its MAGIC!! And if you look behind the ramp in the second photo u will see 2 more ramps. A week ago I finally jumped over that whole white miniramp without a landing!


I did
didnt really get anything the right size though
it was all like 7 feet lonmg and 3 feet high and I need 3 feet long and x height


William said:
I did
didnt really get anything the right size though
it was all like 7 feet lonmg and 3 feet high and I need 3 feet long and x height
If you liked the look of the wrong sized kicker, just down size it. Find the height relative to the length (height/length I think) . That should give you a number that you multiply by your length, then round off. I'll bet it is like 1.2'. So like if you want a 3 foot long kicker you want it to be 1.2' high. It's like 1' and 2 1/2". Then do the same sort of thing for the radius of the jump. Divide it by length I think. If it is a 9' radius, it should be about 4'. I'm just guessing at these numbers so don't use them unless they sound good to you.


Thats a mini bank. Why didn't you cut a tranny?


Hopefully I'll be building this over the summer. It is 6' wide. I has the first bit built already over the summer, it was like 3' wide though and we didn't have that kicker thing. It took less than a day to make but it was ghetto as f-ck. Fun ramp though, I even got to ride it with a bused headset. F-cking new A's.
Rob Forman said:
these look sick erik, although tbh i think i would get bored of two spines, maybe have one flyout and one spine, that way you could kinda practise things on flyout first too, heres an edit i did to show


i only support this design if that big flat space box area is a super secret super exclusive clubhouse on the inside =)