Your review.


Bronze member
I see you use the best bearings ;). seriously though the razor ultra pro bearings were actually really good.
Of all the cheap bearings I have, only the Razor Pros consistently work well. I took apart a bad Flash Flood bearing from a River wheel and found the balls were grooved. Both Flash Flood and VXB bearings don't spin as freely as the Razor bearings for me. Maybe one day I will try to figure out the exact cause. It might just be that the Razor bearings are built looser, allowing them to spin freely even if the alignment of the wheel bores, spacers or axle is a little off.


Bronze member
Phoenix Ion 5x22
Graphics are radical
50's are a dream
Flat sides
Perfect amount of footroom
Alot of blunt room
Good for boards due to more surface area
Built in brake bolts
Pretty light, it looks like a tank but it's not
Relatively cheap for good quality
No blunt plates
Graphics scratch off in a matter of hours (only on the bottom portion of the deck)
Awkward headtube welds
Axel it comes with is really short
Round dropouts
P cutout on the headtube is cool but it looks wierd
Sticky lipslides (w/o) a decent amount of wax
Over all, it is one of the nicest decks I've ridden, I would recommend this deck for people on the taller side, Or anybody if they're up for a challenge. Or if you're on a budget it's $160