Specs: 22 high 20 wide bolted bars, random grips, new a wheel front, pro wheel back, blade brake, stock.
This isnt 3rd. But its the closest I have on my computer.
Specs: hardlines, eagle fw, low pro bw, boxies, blade brake, stock.
Specs: hardlines, pro deck, pro brake, yak high rebound fw, eagle 100mm bw, stock.
Right now:
Specs: broken deck held together with boxies, brakeless, hardlines, eagle fw, razor pro bw, stock.
Soon it will be red 4.0 Phoenix, Red Fakey Brake, Stock fork, Clamp, Headset, Both of those 110mm eagles, Those Hardlines, And those grips.
Sorry for the bump. Hope you dont mind. But I think it's good that I did. Cause this is a pretty good thread.