I love your bars.
dehh alu decks are alright
Chromo deck= 8 pound Deck
im sure its possible to redesign it to make it nearly as light but way stronger, but obviously aluminium is the best choice since its been used for over a decade
If addict made a Chromo deck it would take 10 years to come out anyway.
Fubi, I LOVE your bars dude.
get some muscles puss
I would like to see Addict make a chromo deck. Because I feel like they are crazy enough to try it and smart enough to make it work in a light, strong, long-lasting deck.
I would like to see you ride a 8 pound deck... Fag.
haha, also isn't alu stronger weight for weight but chromo stronger for size??
You're calling him a fag for trying to come up with an innovative idea? Seriously bro, grow a dick and grow up. I'd like to see you try to come up with a cool design for this shit. I'm working on one. Kind of a hybrid alu-chromo design. Very bolt together, which might suck, but it could work.