why decked out lucky with poop wheels?
poop wheels? i freak love pro wheels they last me like 6months haha just dont ride sketchy
why decked out lucky with poop wheels?
That simple scooter is so nice
loving the simplicity
take that front plate off of the foldy though, makes the bolts clamp better
just a tip
coments anyone?
Yep north side...I take the kids to Westerville alot and powell/deleware...I met the other 3 guys that go up to Westerville all the time..Don't know names but the one guy is freaking good...saw him pull off a triple tail whip over the pyramid
yeah i was talkin' bout yours peaceful
84 degree HT angle? sounds brutal haha
FIVEO how are you liking your discrict deck?
Odi Longneck Grips Black
Lucky Bars 22 high 20 wide clear coated
proto black baby scs
cane creek s1 headset sealed
Scooter Zone Scorcher Fork
110 Sperm Whale fw
110 Sig eagle bw
District Bearings
Tsi 4.5
Homemade Flex Fender
Dvs Sticker