I know ayy zac it would look better but I don't know about the backsweep and I ride 18 wide so eh
150% sex right there
Couldn't go wrong with some black or white grips.
Odi Longneck Grips Black
Lucky Bars 22 high 20 wide clear coated
proto black baby scs
cane creek s1 headset sealed
Scooter Zone Scorcher Fork
110 Sperm Whale fw
110 Sig eagle bw
District Bearings
Tsi 4.5
Homemade Flex Fender
Dvs Sticker
no its not doing any thing to it right now, and it only messes it up if u have to twist it off but it just slide off, even if it does to start u just put a soda can shim in it
I was gonna get gold edwins, do you reckon black ones would look better.
Messed up my lucky deck, so I got a phoenix.
yeah right you did after three weeks man, grips take months to put holes in, unless you got abrasive finger tips dude
NICE MAN! What OS bars is that?
It couldn't hurt. I still wouldn't do it though.hey alex dumb question, but what if he wrapped it in like.. 3 layers of aluminum foil/made a shim over the threads
it wouldn't be too tight but would it be better?
well yeah, SCS is for threadless, common sense rly
but if non-slitted bars are your only bars... /snip