Those are not demon cores. They are the crappy oem wheels that also happen to say demon on them.
Who Gives A shit they say demon so get over it? i like em
Those are not demon cores. They are the crappy oem wheels that also happen to say demon on them.
dude don't hate the yaks. Yak Mechanics are the best wheels ever, yak makes some pretty beginner rider stuff but these mechanics are the best iv ever ridden. 88a is the way to go for all wheels, i ride alot of street so i need hard urethane and other wheels just rip up. not these. The core design is really light and strong too, opposed to the yak flurs or however you spell em.but the yaks.....
other than that i love it
i was just there for the shields comp, i live in newport, DE sorry man.Yo you ride at shields? Hmu some time..sick setup.
yeah idk when i can meetup.
te gusta tyler? me gusta.
Keep the chatting to a minimum, more scooters please.
like dis:
Kinda large..
got a new downtube for my buffs, really stoked on it, everything but tuck 360s feel better
i think its time for a new deck Rob.
- Hic Epic Rewinds 22 high 19 wide black
- Purple Odi Longnecks/Thug plugs
- Oversized Purple Pro Comp Clamp
- Fsa Orbit Dl headset Sealed
- Epic Zero Offset Forks
- Black On Black Demon Core Wheels
- Bolted Pro Model;( New Deck soon though
- Fakey Brake