eagle doesnt make bars.
french id stuff was made at the same place as eagle for a while but they werent made by eagle.haha eagle were the ones that made French id bars and forks
greg PLEASE cut your steerertube. soooo many spacers.
Your bike is awesome, I love the tires and wheelsets, they look so good together.
But those green bar ends throw the look of you scoot off imo.
i love the way crow bars and strikers and tsi's look together
. Did u make them?The headtube is too short. if i cut my steertube, it wont be very much.
they're the only bar ends i have right now.
and those white bars are just no name aluminum ones.
this is my new deck, soooo smooth its really long so good for flowing vert
it doesnt look very long
I think he was being sarcastic...lol