Your Setup


I got myself banned.

hell yes girlfriend


dargersaurus rex
Brian Boston said:
On the back of Kenko fisheyes and the knockoff brands, theres a macro piece you can unscrew off of the fisheye. It makes the fisheye wider in most cases, but usually adds alot of vignetting.. I would just keep the macro on.
i did that, i got super vig on my old cam and almost no vig on my new one


that would be a bad idea cause with once you get something like a gl you shouldnt waste ur money on anything else but like a century optics....a kenko would ruin it


ok can somebody please link me to a whole setup of slave stuff that i can use to make my sunpak go wireless


there sick arent they

on a rather sour other note someone tailwhipped my baby death. i pulled back and it saved my camera, but the lens is done and in the trash :(

but there is a kenko on the way haha, had to dip into my canon fisheye fund though