Your Setup


Steel Member
yya im gettin a flip mino hd camera soon i already got a digital kodak camera but its flash it doesnt take autopics but w/e i cant wait to make mini vids

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member
i might get it later down the road
for now im getting the raymod and im going to do the shoegoo tilt mod if the vig on my vx isnt even


I don't know if i should really be posting these pics here. But there not of me or of riding so i guess it's alright.
This is with my new Baby dEaTh.....My flickr link isnt working, do they not work as direct links

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member
erik said:
ahhhhh so thats how you make the vig even! ima do that tonight
yea did you see matt dibbles cotw? the vig was perfect in it and make sure you always always shoot at f8 when you use your fisheye
andy what do you mean? pictures?

Andy Rhode

its a home made screen. i also have a bayonet ring for a raynox to fit perfectly on a vx. ill trade both of those for scs if you have your old one

Andy Rhode

you could still tilt the fisheye. you could hotglue the lens onto the bayonet mount. i dont have pics but basically its just a portable tv with some ghetto mount i made lol. lets take this to aim... Scooter andy1994

Lil Steve

I got my HV30 yesterday and I love it. I need to order a fisheye and a bigger battery soon though. Does anyone have any recommendations what software I should capture with?

Lil Steve

I have a PC :(. I would like to have Vegas but I dont want to go through all that utorrent bullshit. Can anybody hook me up? Andy, where can I get a legit handle for my HV-30?


all i did was use frostwire, which is a lot like limewire idk what the difference is. but thats how i got premeire pro for my mac. and theres millions of programs on there for pc's, you really have to hunt for any mac programs. then just find a serial number generator...

Andy Rhode

wow blaine142 your so cool! just your foot has more coolness than my whole entire body. im so jealous.. i dont know why everyone worships you cause your amazing!