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  1. BenJelinek

    PROTO Orion combo

    Okay I finally rode one about 2 weeks ago and i must say it's the best feeling deck ever. I liked it better then my tsi and if I ever have 250 bucks my money Is going into this deck. The 20 long felt a little short so I would definitely get the 5 wide by 21 long which feels a lot like my tsi...
  2. BenJelinek

    Secret Forks ;)

    Wait what are the drop outs and what are they for
  3. BenJelinek

    I have a question?

    You'll be good with lo and you don't have the hassle of cutting down your bars
  4. BenJelinek


    Dude guess what. It's still goin
  5. BenJelinek

    you just ordered new parts,your f'ing excited tell us here!

    So now I painted my scooter black, and I'm still getting all that stuff except instead o longnecks I got some esi silicone grips and I'm also getting tilt chromos in addition. OMG
  6. BenJelinek


    no i lik 2 do mine sliw but g0 hi bcos it adds mor st!le cuz then i can take my f00t off the scoote for a short tyme.!
  7. BenJelinek


    He's a nigga.
  8. BenJelinek


    i shud b sponcered 2 cuz im also rlly g00d and ive b33n r1d!ng 4 lots lots of yeers! i can doo b1g tricks
  9. BenJelinek


  10. BenJelinek

    Secret Forks ;)

    They look identical to Phoenix phorx, sorry. The Suprise does look quite ravishing, I just reckon there could have been a more original idear.
  11. BenJelinek

    Deck / Fork Problem

    ^ only with a threadless headset. If he doesn't have a threadless headset with the locknut on top the threads are too short trust me
  12. BenJelinek

    Skyhigh Throwaway Footage

    Lol what the hells up with your filmer
  13. BenJelinek


    Nicest scooter I have ever seen
  14. BenJelinek

    Homemade flexy idea.

    Yeah it looks good. I wouldn't have bended it up quite so far but still
  15. BenJelinek

    Homemade flexy idea.

    That looks soooo legit. It actually looks like one of the beast flexys I've seen
  16. BenJelinek

    Deck / Fork Problem

    NO! the threads aren't long enough to go all the way down so unless your getting a fsa pig which is really tall so the locknut has enough room to tighten, then the threaded part on a threaded headset and the locknut won't be able to go all the way down and tighten properly
  17. BenJelinek

    My grips experiences/Share your own! Omgomgomgomg I got these at a bike shop today and they are freaking AMAZING. best grips ever made they feel like foamies
  18. BenJelinek


    Yeah I like it