got in some umbrellas and stands yesterday
i really like the bokeh in the shots
wish my girl was with me, so i had to use my mom as a subject instead hahahha
used my 430exII and my canon 100mm f/2.8 macro mounted on my 60D
flash triggered optically from on bord camera flash
Great stuff man. They seem just a tad dark. Also you're shooting at too low of an angle. Try some that are just under eye level. but other than that these are golden.
This one is a hard shot to grab. I really dig the angle but the background is wayyy to busy. You could tryyyy a higher aperture.. but I still think it wont work. Looks like the park is workin against you on this one. You may only be able to shot from down low
All of these are SOOTC (strate out of the camera), the only thing that happened to them was my watermark
I dont really like some of them, because you could see the flashes in them, but i still posted em anyways. Im a bit rusty at scooter photography becuase i havntent done it in about a year. Also some of em are a bit dark as well