


Mom by Electric Arc, on Flickr

Mom by Electric Arc, on Flickr

Umbrella by Electric Arc, on Flickr

got in some umbrellas and stands yesterday :)
i really like the bokeh in the shots
wish my girl was with me, so i had to use my mom as a subject instead hahahha

used my 430exII and my canon 100mm f/2.8 macro mounted on my 60D

flash triggered optically from on bord camera flash


Great stuff man. They seem just a tad dark. Also you're shooting at too low of an angle. Try some that are just under eye level. but other than that these are golden.



This one is a hard shot to grab. I really dig the angle but the background is wayyy to busy. You could tryyyy a higher aperture.. but I still think it wont work. Looks like the park is workin against you on this one. You may only be able to shot from down low

I also really like the eagle one, great capture



IMG_2368.jpg Zach by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2295.jpg Matt by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2294.jpg Zach by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2290.jpg Squirl by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2288.jpg Matt by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2285.jpg Matt by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2270.jpg Matt by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2251.jpg Matt by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2239.jpg Matt by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2234.jpg Matt by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2212.jpg Squirl by Electric Arc, on Flickr

IMG_2228.jpg Zach by Electric Arc, on Flickr

All of these are SOOTC (strate out of the camera), the only thing that happened to them was my watermark
I dont really like some of them, because you could see the flashes in them, but i still posted em anyways. Im a bit rusty at scooter photography becuase i havntent done it in about a year. Also some of em are a bit dark as well :(




i love how people comment on everyone else's photo thread but not mine
i dont think i suck that badly.....


Steel Member
I love the moon shots. It's cool to me because the moon looks way different full where I live compared to the way it looks where you live :)