Chick-Fil-A stopped funding these groups, prior to when all the boycotts began. While the actions are not very humane, or correct in my opinion; the funding is over. More so, the man who made the statement which has put everyones panties in a very thick knot is 91 and barely (if you even want to call it that) runs the company anymore.
The public statements are just the CEO's view points being repeated blindly by his sons (the CEO is the 91 year old). While the actions are despicable in their nature, their donations are not the only source of funding that the "FRC" has, and are donations, in the aspect that it is money given to an organization to do as they please. FRC is a horrible interest group, based on both moral and scientific standards, but blaming a company that gave 2.xx million to the group blindly is not the way to approach the issue. Logically one would go out and criticize FRC, openly protest the "Traditional Marriage" interest groups with whatever power they could, which is plenty considering companies like Oreo (owned by Kraft Foods, which makes more than Chick-Fil-A annually) are at the back of equal rights for all. Honestly, people should try and get them into the political debate scene as they have the financials to do some very good work regarding reform.
Also, their current public actions are really not very different than they used to be other than the funding has stopped, and the hatemongering board of directors is slowly dying out (VP died less than a week ago), the CEO is 91 and grew up eating fried foods, and his two sons are over 50 and while rich, ate their fair share of processed food. The leadership that is accountable for these actions won't be promoting whatever they want for too much longer. But for the time being, as the Cathy family is worth just over 1.5 Billion each, they will continue to fund whatever they please, despite the protests and activism, they grew up Baptist and probably won't be seeing the light of logic and humanity anytime soon (not a baptist thing, but southern baptists are notoriously devout to their religion).
The actions are undoubtedly absurd and should be classified as a human rights violation, but with their current fiscal abilities and political support from southern leaders, nothing will be changing anytime soon without political intervention.
Its fucking stupid, the people don't realize how outdated their goddam protests are and the lack of anything that they are doing to the company. Eat your fucking chicken and get over it.
^They aren't funding anti-gay organizations, or anything like that at all. All they did was announce that they are going to stand firm on their beliefs, and not hire gays, and not support gay marriage. They aren't saying gay people can't eat there, all they are doing is saying they are going to stay privately owned so they can stick by their moral beliefs. It's not even just the gay stuff, like the way they are closed on Sunday to to it being the day of the lord. People are making way to big of a deal out of it.
Just read that, you are too ignorant to be even regarded. They did, up until 2 weeks ago fund a few antigay lobbying groups with amounts from their corporate expenditures of about 2.8 million dollars annually.