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  1. P

    >>crow bars<<

    I think you can put a shim over the slit and it will work with scs without having to cut anything.
  2. P

    THIS is scootering!!!

    THIS is old. But still good.
  3. P

    >>crow bars<<

    kevin shipley has some I think
  4. P


    Dwhip's video for hardline Filmed in two days by me and edited by me, any criticism on filming or editing would be appreciated. Set as 1080p
  5. P

    Dalton Dwhip Kennon Hardline Promo

    Filmed in two days by me and edited by me, any criticism on filming or editing would be appreciated. Set as 1080p
  6. P


    Dude that sucks, I'm sorry. But to the rest of you, especially you Nick, STAY OUT OF THE ARIZONA SECTION! He obviously posted this here because he thought local riders would care, not ignorant losers like you nick.
  7. P


    it is if you knew what I know.
  8. P


    stoked on this.
  9. P


    Whatever this is, it's gonna be good.
  10. P


    I want in! haha
  11. P

    is it hot out!!!!!!!!

    Seriously you guys... Please stay out of the AZ section if your not from AZ. I'm pretty sure this has been said at least 5 times now...
  12. P


    Jon goes so big. So are we making this an AZ video thread? If so... ASU sesh with my friend Blake and I. I'm riding the pink/black bar wrap and he's wearing the Antoine Dodson shirt.
  13. P

    Lets Ride BHC?

    Hey guys, I am going to be up in that area next weekend and I was going to try and pop in and ride a park up there. So does Needles allow scooters?
  14. P

    scooter generator

    In the month you've been on this site?
  15. P

    Patrick Cullings Web Edit.

    I'm 5'4 and I ride 20h...
  16. P

    this has to be said. read.

    ummm... yeah
  17. P

    New razor stickers

    the backflips are overrated is great!