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  1. V

    Scootering Podcast

    Spring break comes up for me the week after next, so this thing should be done hella fast. And I'm a Pirate so I get like +5 speed buffs.
  2. V

    Scootering Podcast

    e-mag ftw, lets figure this stuff out when I get home (Monday).
  3. V

    doing your part

    I show people videos on my iPod at school, they all think it's cool.
  4. V


    THat would be because it is newer than any windows computer you have used? Macintosh computers aren't godlike, I just prefer them over anything else.
  5. V

    Do Pros Get Laid?

    Dude, I saw your post this morning, I have school you know. But it is waiting for you.
  6. V

    Scootering Podcast

    If you were going to do anything it should be a magazine, because like Bri said nothing new that everyone needs to be alerted about happens every week.
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    KC Corning Signature Pro Model

    If you can push it faster. If not, then it will only go as fast as you could before, it will just maintain that speed longer.
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    Do Pros Get Laid?

    If you're talking to me, I havn't lost my virginity yet.
  9. V

    Do Pros Get Laid?

    That's because Brandon has a long running relationship with his hand, awwwwww
  10. V

    Classic Timmy

    We were discussing Tim on TPC, cause we b teh pir4tes
  11. V

    Ive Waited All My Life For This...

    I told Miles to do that a while ago. But he was like "uhn im gay as hell" and didn't do it.
  12. V

    old school kids

    Cary Kevin Toy Terry and more
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    RAD cary mini

    Actually, the only reason to get sponsored is when you get free chinese food from the Panda Express (I forgot who :()
  14. V

    I got 360 scooterflip double tailwhips down

    What were you on? Cause I doubt you did it flat.
  15. V

    KC Corning Signature Pro Model

    They won't spin faster with barends, because they are heavier and will require more force to move. But they will spin longer because it has more mass, so it has more inertia. If you can spin them fast, they will go longer.
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    Your MSN/aim/phone/Skype

    Just look in their profile if you really need to know.
  17. V


    It hurts my eyes. Wtf is Piczo?
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    youtube/flash player

    Don't use IE?
  19. V

    180 without leaving ground?? saw Kc do it at TIC

    That sucks. How tall is that thing anyways?