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  1. S

    New to Scootering

    As I explained in my first post the difference is bar sizes. The lo is 21 high by 14 wide ( when i bought mine that was the size). The high is 26 high by 18 wide. You can cut down the high to your desired height though.
  2. S

    SCOOTER BAR SUPER THREAD! (N-Z) All bar questions answered!

    umm What size bars do you ride now? and how tall are you
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    Solo Riding

    I ride alone sometimes. I can't ride with an ipod though. For some reason when I can't hear myself riding (like when a catch a bar or whip in spins) I can not land anything that's a difficult trick. Anyone else the same way?
  4. S

    deck for Christmas

    Depends on how big you are. Blunt sounds good for though.
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    Have any District v2i decks broke yet?

    I weigh 180 and mine is not cut. I ride fairly hard. No banana :)
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    New to Scootering

    The razor ultra pro! great starting scooter. only around 80 USD I believe. The ultra pro low comes with 26 high 18 wide bars (measurement in inches). Ultra pro lo comes with 21 high by 14 wide bars. Depending on your size you can cut the ultra pro high bars to your perfect height. The ideal bar...
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    Tech share

    I have already caught the bar before the peak of my jump. Scottering is a lot different then BMX. with scootering you do a lot more tricks in one air. Hence tech riding is born!
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    deck for Christmas

    District v2i or a Blunt AOS v2
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    ^^ lucky
  10. S

    mono forks

    looks like an inward dagger fork missing a leg...
  11. S

    Bearing SUPER THREAD!

    ^^ i liked mine. Bearing types really don't matter unless you start spending $40 and up. The main thing with bearings is you get them installed correctly with a spacer. As long as they are even and pushed all the way in you're fine.
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    Hic wont dial

    HIC works if you use a long shim. Or just ride flat/tech or flow
  13. S

    Hic wont dial

    I Don't believe I've seen bar broken on the downtube in an SCS or baby SCS.
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    TRICK TIP VIDEOS (updated July 22nd '09)

    Who even does donoflips anymore haha
  15. S

    What Scooter should i buy?

    The blunt complete is your best choice. And for pegs I would get tilt chromos they are the most durible pegs out!
  16. S

    breaking in proto sliders.

    ^^ you didn't even have the wheels? haha as we said before you sound like you don't probably go big enough to do any real harm. Basically ride and just don't do any tricks you're not 100% on. Landing sketchy can destroy a fresh set of wheels. Just ride down your hill lie three times while...
  17. S

    distict stl1 v2 bars?

    I believe some have bent. and all t-bars barspin the same it depends on the width. and yes they are scs compatable. NOT Hic though.
  18. S

    breaking in proto sliders.

    Do powerslides and 720's flat?
  19. S

    breaking in proto sliders.

    I like to tilt back and both and like "snowboard down the hill" gets the whole wheel not just the top.