Search results

  1. Aaron

    HD: 001

  2. Aaron

    trying to find the names of 2 videos...

    Watching that 'clip' video is depressing. Feels so recent and Jackson was riding.
  3. Aaron


    That'll teach the unbelivers.
  4. Aaron

    Kevin Austin - Frontboard

  5. Aaron


    It's legitimately on its way. Dates have been set. People are still actually filming for it, so you're going to see footage from people over the course of 3-4 years. I'm not going to say it's going to be worth the wait, because everyone has been waiting a long, long time. But I can say it's...
  6. Aaron


    This is unfortunately one of the best descriptions of Lux I've read so far.
  7. Aaron


    What's Lux?
  8. Aaron

    Clothing Company

    Thanks Leo.
  9. Aaron


    Outside of grips for going fast, inside for more control.
  10. Aaron

    Envy/Blunt DVD

    That promo was the goods.
  11. Aaron

    Turkey Anzac Tours - Anzac Day Tours 2014 - Anzac Tours - Anzac Tours Gallipoli.

    Now this is a bot I can get behind. Respectful of Australian / New Zealand war tradition, not hiding any costs, beauty.
  12. Aaron

    Role Call/Need mods

    I'm on the lurk every so often.
  13. Aaron

    Your Tumblr
  14. Aaron

    Things you LOVE

    Days that are sick from start to end.
  15. Aaron

    SR is back!

    Just edited my post due to how immature it was. Please re-read.
  16. Aaron

    SR is back!

    My statement was an opinion based on a forum. A forum is a large group of people. I wasn't directly attacking you as if you set it up as an SR replacement. There's really no need to get hurt about it. I know you're putting a lot of time and effort into it and that's great, I just don't agree...
  17. Aaron

    SR is back!

    Couldn't be more true. That forum was sick the first time around, now it's just a glorified hellhole of people who think they're too good for SR.
  18. Aaron

    SR is back!

    Fuck yeah lets all complain about the colour change.
  19. Aaron

    Sponsors or flow or anything

    Seriously stupid.
  20. Aaron

    Forum Changes!

    Goodbye SR.