Elyts exposed.


Steel Member
I know this is off topic but isn't "Vex" the same brand that the Billy the Exterminator guy on tv is sponsored by??

Edit: I guess its "Vex-Con" still if. Ya wanna talk about lame names haha there u go Vex is a great one to pick...


Kenny O.


If you're building a company, why on earth would you make a thread attempting to throw another one under the bus, and talk shit on their name and whatnot..? Not very professional if you ask me but I guess everyone thinks differently.


I'm about to be 21 and everyone on the Pro ELYTS team is over 18. Vincent is on the AM team along with a few other riders.

damn dude i had no idea! i thought you looked 17 or 18 when i saw you at clairemont. thanks for clearing that up but honestly thats a dumb policy they have because Vincent shreds wayy too hard to be an AM just because he is underage. ELYTS is still pretty cool thoo haha


I own SR.
If you're building a company, why on earth would you make a thread attempting to throw another one under the bus, and talk shit on their name and whatnot..? Not very professional if you ask me but I guess everyone thinks differently.
That was sooo two thousand and h8.

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
idc what anyone says i like what they have been doing for my homies and i think they got some sick stuff for the sport coming up. whether companies like it or not they still are another company thats helping scooters get big.


Bronze member
I would like to lay this thread to rest. Vex all i can say is good luck on your business venture and i wish you the best with your advertising strategies.

I have never really made an attempt to thoroughly explain what has been going on with ELYTS but i figured I owe a minor explanation to one of the forums that helped form this great scoot nation.

ELYTS was founded by me and an investor for financial backup. These are my ideas, my creativity my heart and soul made possible by an investor who actually sat and listened to what i had to say about the scooter industry. As you know, I worked with Nike 6.0 in the past... I used my experience and all the ideas that I attempted to share with Nike 6.0, but they were to busy with multiple other sports to listen to scooters, and I put them into this project called ELYTS. There is no huge conspiracy behind it, you can be at peace about that.

To address the 18 and up for the pro team. The reason why these guidelines were layed down this way is because now I think its time that we define a "pro rider." Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, i admire feedback from the people. To be a pro rider means that you are fluent in tricks of course, as anyone in the scoot community is from like age 6 to like 20-something. A professional rider position should only be available for responsible people who can be held liable for their actions when representing a company. (Example: 20 year old pro gets into a fight at a skatepark/event, unacceptable 100% accountable for his actions ; 16 year old pro does the same thing, "well what did you expect, he's a kid") So you can understand the severity of the situation, lets use uhhhh... McDonalds for example... Im sure there is a 10 year old fry cook out there he will not be on staff till he is of age. To add to that, underage kids cant oversee their own deals or sign anything without a parent present, and I'm sure they cant fill out a W2 when they are branching with a company. [If you dont know what a W2 is, that is exactly my point lol]

Which brings up another issue in this industry, our manufacturers offering AM contracts with nothing but flow parts and calling them PRO, which is crippling the growth of our industry. Or, some competitions charging a lot of money to enter the comp and when you win they shower you with more free parts that "Pros" do not need. Or our judging policies at competitions, where some comps use skateboarders to judge us. There are plenty other "conspiracies" that can be "Exposed" in this industry. I assure you ELYTS isn't one of them. If anything, link up with ya boy Ziggy and lets solidify the scooter revolution. ALL ARE WELCOME, even you Vex ;)

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
there like is no beef right now??? haha somebody got bummed because somebody said no and somebody just put out the best video for some scooter shoe company. i dont think this is going to do shit

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member

I mean they don't want to call this beef. And I don't think they want beef. But if I read the comments n stuff i feel the hate growing against VEX

yea where is vex talking shit?? you guys realize this thread is from 2011 and all it really states is that elyts is owned by a dude who owns rollerblade stuff? haha who cares. this is what happens when you take people on trips that arnt on your team. haha