those would work, not scs. id just use the locknut though... much less expensive and if you have threaded forks its more of a hassle but not really worth buying a new compression system.what about hic/ics?
i can dial my ics better than my friend can dial his scs. 2 starnuts help, also how tight you tighten your clamp on the bars helps it stay dialed for longer. finally, locktite is a must have for any compression system if you want it to stay tight for awhile.Is ics as badd as some people say it is? Answer please
Alright Thanks man! and what brand of ics would you recommend also what is a pre decent fork
if you get a lucky fork, get a lucky compression. if you get a proto fork, get a proto compression. sometimes if you mix companies things dont work like they should. as for fork recommendations, search around and get what you like.
those would work, not scs. id just use the locknut though... much less expensive and if you have threaded forks its more of a hassle but not really worth buying a new compression system.
Alright guys im thinking of trying ics and if its gay then to go to scs should i do that or go straight to scs