Falls Because Your A Clutz Thread


Steel Member
Ok, I thought i should make this thread for all the clumsy people who ride scooters. Post stories of how you have fallen because of some retarded clumsy move. I will start.

Today i was at ramprats in petaluma, CA. There is a hip which clears from a 7 foot halfpipe, and you have to clear the deck of the halfpipe which is like 1.5 ft wide. since its a hip, theres a quarter pipe going sideways to it. anyway, i was using the deck to get to the 13 ft roll-in in the top corner of the park. i go thru the halfpipe too fast, come out of it on the other side, trip over the deck, and fall headfirst into the 7 foot QP. didnt hurt at all, funny as hell.

Ok ill be first reply, I was at Reedville, my home park a while ago and was getting full speed to try and clear a 8-foot bank to the other and right at the bottom of ramp i guess i was going to fast and my bars turned just a little and i smacked right into it head first and my hand. I sprained my wrist but laughed it off it was just so stupid of me.

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
i think it was about 2 years ago. pretty simple and dumb.
big hill, crazy speed, small bump -_-


Pat Sosa

Steel Member
the other day I was trying to get the form down for indys, so I would lift the deck up grab it with my right hand and put my right hand back on the bars, I kept trying to do it faster and one of the times when I brought my hand up to grab the bars, the tip of my thumb hit my bars, my fingernail cracked and it was bleeding for a long time, I felt like such an idiot


Staff member
I was manny'ing across TIC boxes and stupidly put the nose down at the wrong time, wound up flipping into tranny without my scooter hahahah


Bronze member
i found this sick gap did it twice and landed it i felt confident so i tried to tail whip it. i caught the deck clean in the air and put too much weight on the bars and almost face planted... cut up my arm and lost my finger nail i have a video of it and ill try to get it on


Steel Member
that sucks! i have a bump on my shin from putting my scooter up a 3 ft block so i could climb up to the next part of the skatepark, and while climbing my shin slammed against the corner of the wood. OUCH


it was cold out and i put my scooter inbetween my feet it fell over and scraped all the skin of my ankle. Bled for ages


i did a finger whip up woodwards box and tripped over my scooter and my throat landed on my friend tylers bars, my breath was gone for a sec and i had a big scrap on my neck. just cuz i tripped? hahahah i was coughing and everything.
lol i was at real ride and i go to drop into the halfpipe, i guesse my shoe was untied and somehow i caught something and ended up supermanning like 7 feet to my face haha
lol well my foot always hits the edge of my deck like in the front....sometimes i fall and some times its just funny
but it always happens and it was worse wen i had viking reinforments i dont know why this happens but its funny
tried to do a pretty big 180 up a small roll in at my local park. my front wheel slipped somehow and i made the full rotation leaning forward and my chest landed on my plastic pop in animal bar end

what i did after that wasn't to good to my scoot
I was riding down the street, forgot their was a curb in front of me, forgot to lift up my front wheel, hit the curb, flew forward, ate shit. YEAH