only thing i can see is mileage isnt amazing but it is a toyota after all.
alright, you have convinced me, i will sell my truck and buy some piece of shit car like everybody else that isnt good for anything but driving around town like the left wing liberal i am. sounds good to me. i think a rusted out geo metro would be a good choice. runs like shit looks like shit and Mr. Germany will be happy because i will have an equally big piece of shit as what he has. shit. shit. shit.
i drove from kansas city to kirksville and thats about 150 miles and used about a quater tank. keep in mind, my truck is 2006. newer=better gas milage..most of the time.
compared to what, Nissan and Dodge?
Take a gander at this...
I don't even drive a Ford and I probably never will (unless I ever get a classic, which is unlikely) but I don't understand how people can think GMC makes a good car and Ford doesn't...makes no sense to me.
gmc and ford are two different comapny's and manufactures, you must be thinking of chevy.