w00t. K ryans is a fuckin mini essay
Well it started off with this girl called Maddi.
Ryan kept on calling her prostituite. so I told him to stop after like 2 weeks of saying hi prostituite.
he stopped because he liked her

So maddi always was feeling how smooth ryans "baby hair" was. it actually is quite smooth and thin.
and then she stopped for a while. So then a girl called katie asked me who ryan likes. I sorta said it :S.
so then the whole school knew ryan liked maddi. So after a while I asked maddi if she likes ryan as a friend. she was with her friend brittney at the time. she didnt answer. she said wait here for a sec. maddi and brittney went into E block to talk bout it. then I saw brittney come out to me and say yes maddi likes ryan but not as in friend way. as in love. then maddi told me to keep it as a secret.
after a while I said to maddi do u want me to tell ryan u like him? shes like yea ok. so I did but ryan wasnt asking her out! it took him a couple of days to do it. but since he didnt do it I did it for him.
she said I will only say yes if he goes up to me and asks me out. then ryan finally did it. YAY...they lasted 2 weeks... cos ryan wasnt doing much, wasnt talking much, she hugged him, he didnt hug back everyone was like FUCKING HIG HER U PUSSY, and he needed encouragement to hold her hand. and he usualy never said more than 10 words in one day.
Then at the athletics carnival, she broke up with him cos he wasnt ready for another relationship.