summer 2008,i was going into 8th grade,i dated this girl on and off for a year,her name was ashleigh,at the time i was dating her,but i was hanging out with some other friends,they were girls,they lived like 2 miles away from my house,and it was like 9 o clock and i didnt wanna walk all the way home in the nightime,so my friend offered me to sleep over,and i did,but her parents didnt approve so they just told me to sneek into the tree house and wait for them,so i did.they came like 10 minutes later and the litttle party began,we played spin the bottle,it was great,just me and three fine women lol. i made out with one of the girls,who was my ex,and i made out with her friend,then slept with my ex,yeah it was good.but then this other girl liked me and has been trying to break me and ashleigh up for a long time,but i was friends with her,she called me just to talk and she heard everybody,and she was like who are you with? i hear girls. so she called ashleigh,then ashleigh got pissed and called me and like yelled at me,and she has a summer house in wisconsin and the girl that wastrying to break us up told me she was cheating on me with some dude around her summer house,but i didnt really care,but i kinda beleived it cause shes really like not prude so yeah,then i said,well youve been cheating to so we should both end this,so we did,and then 2 days later i hung out with her and we started dating again and eventually we broke up for good,now i got a thing with her friends cousin,its pretty cool cause she lives like a 10 minute walk away from me