seriously? alright ill remember that if your bitch ass ever goes to a comp. I have no hate on hardline just going to take a person attack at Nooner! cause he never did anything to me! fuck you prick. you white trash hillbilly mother fucker. how cool ar eyou putting pics of you smoking a blunt on the internet!? you look like someone beat you in the mouth with a baseball bat. you want problems well not you got a 6 foot 1 inch problem. i can promise you iam literally going to punch you in your nasty ass mouth just for being so fucking gay. do something.
hahahhahahah i actually laughed at this.
I am actually scarred of you because you are telling someone to do something on the internet.
What would you like him to do? cyber bullying?
bahahahahaha. Oh and please dont quote this and then swear a whole bunch at me and call me mean names. Because i care what you say on the internet.