HardLine Scooters Official Thread (NEW TEAM MEMBERS!)

seriously? alright ill remember that if your bitch ass ever goes to a comp. I have no hate on hardline just going to take a person attack at Nooner! cause he never did anything to me! fuck you prick. you white trash hillbilly mother fucker. how cool ar eyou putting pics of you smoking a blunt on the internet!? you look like someone beat you in the mouth with a baseball bat. you want problems well not you got a 6 foot 1 inch problem. i can promise you iam literally going to punch you in your nasty ass mouth just for being so fucking gay. do something.

hahahhahahah i actually laughed at this.
I am actually scarred of you because you are telling someone to do something on the internet.
What would you like him to do? cyber bullying?
bahahahahaha. Oh and please dont quote this and then swear a whole bunch at me and call me mean names. Because i care what you say on the internet.

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
wtf nooner??? your pissed at me becuase i made a joke about you banning people??? dude you always talk about banning people and shit? if your actually pissed about that your stupid. i have never had a problem with you but if your going to be gay about all this go ahead. haha i think its funny. SR is dumb now i only come on here to post videos and thats about it, i dont miss seeing shit like this at all. never happens on the ride wire. and whats up with you guys talking about how i look?? haha you guys must creep my facebook pretty hard to know how i look and know about certian picture of me? bro i really dont care about goin to a comp and "beating ass". i actually cant believe you wanna beat me up at a contest if you see me at one. thats prettttty gay. kinda sorry i even posted in this thread haha wasnt worth it. oh and its not a blunt. its a acid cigar that i got for my 18th birthday... sooooo yea.

were almost the same height to. im 6'0! :)

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
1.) dont really care cuz im not looking to fight a fellow rider over something dumb??
2.) fucking ACT LIKE YOU KNOW. dont tell me what to do, ive been on SR for 5 years ill come and go as i please
3.) word.

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Ima edit this.

Okay. let me try this again..

I dont care what the fuck you gay ass scooter kids think of me. Okay? lol I dont know how else to break it down. Jonah you can suck a dick. Josh..dont try to cover up a lie now. To late.

Scooter kids that are lame and the whole LAME ass community can suck my dickk.


Ben Moak

Steel Member
alright screw it.
nooner i know u and me are kinda chill but i dgaf right now.
your gettin in an argument for some kid posting what he thinks about your products which is what this thread is for.
and spicy if ur gonna argue with someone keep it relevant to what the argument is about or that just means you've run out backup for ur argument.
im with josh on this one
1.) dont really care cuz im not looking to fight a fellow rider over something dumb??
2.) fucking ACT LIKE YOU KNOW. dont tell me what to do, ive been on SR for 5 years ill come and go as i please
3.) word.

#3 just about sums it up right here...

Dustin has quite the temper. Anything said against hardline should result in an instant ban.

I remember 4 years ago Dustin you messaged me over myspace because u googled yourself and found that your name was in my heros section on myspace. You seemed really nice when you messaged me. But something has changed. Your being a dick.

If anyone gets banned from this website it should be Spicy Crabgrass. He is making fun of what people look like? and is not helping the situation at all.

TILT Pegs run the universe.

Jonah made a great point. Josh wasnt being as much of a dick as Nooner, or Spicy.

Adonnis loves to scrapppp.

wazzup haterz

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
okay adonnis im down to scrap. and yes something has changed. I ahve a life, and im not banning anyone for saying bad things about HardLine lol. never have never will. Im just saying if someone wants to make a personal attack at me. to do something about it or shut up. its that simple. and once again..I really dont care if some douche bag scooter kids that im never going to meet hates me..this is how Ive ALWAYS been. Im just voicing my opinion as any other perosn would. Im still the same nice guy. Just stick up for myself if Im being talked about. something wrong with that? I dont think so.
okay adonnis im down to scrap. and yes something has changed. I ahve a life, and im not banning anyone for saying bad things about HardLine lol. never have never will. Im just saying if someone wants to make a personal attack at me. to do something about it or shut up. its that simple. and once again..I really dont care if some douche bag scooter kids that im never going to meet hates me..this is how Ive ALWAYS been. Im just voicing my opinion as any other perosn would. Im still the same nice guy. Just stick up for myself if Im being talked about. something wrong with that? I dont think so.

its cool. i just think your overreacting