How do you like your forums?

The Batman

Steel Member
Staff member
Strict as balls or fun as hell? Or are you stuck in the middle? How exactly would you like to see SR in 5 years? Do you think you'll still be posting in 5 years? How do you think this site reflects on the sport? (serious answers please.)

Please leave your responses without bickering about each other, if you would like to discuss the responses to this inquiry please post/rage here:

Spank You.



Steel Member

Trolling is accepted, but not promoted. Stupidity is not accepted or promoted. Spelling is both promoted and accepted. Valid answers and comments on relevant subjects are given at appropriate times, threads can go off on tangents but quickly lose focus and return to the main idea or topic.

Ronnie Bergan

Steel Member

Trolling is accepted, but not promoted. Stupidity is not accepted or promoted. Spelling is both promoted and accepted. Valid answers and comments on relevant subjects are given at appropriate times, threads can go off on tangents but quickly lose focus and return to the main idea or topic.

I feel the same. More serious, people need to mature. But a little fun should always be aloud. I see myself posting in 5 years, and I think in the next 5 years strips forum should straighten back up.


Steel Member
I like it fine the way it is. If I didn't like it the way it is already, why the hell would I even go on it?


Staff member
I wish there was some standardized test for people when they sign up with questions like "do you know how to cut griptape"
It would take care of half the problems lol.


Bronze member
I think it's good that it's mostly serious posts in here, but it is pretty funny when people troll sometimes, but it shouldn't be promoted. I'm not sure if I will still be posting here in 5 years time, I think I may have to quit at some point in the next 5 years as I won't have much time to ride as I will be finishing school and looking for a job.

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Moderate-Strict. Right now it's Tom and Brock who are real mods and almost every other one is part of the problem or just doesn't give a fuck. Rob.

I've spent just about a decade on scooter forums and the past year or so has been it's darkest hour. This community is no longer representative of the sport, it's a 16 year old boys club where trolling and mindless fighting are worn with badges of honor and altercations are handled with fucking .gifs and not the human brain. The adult forum is 95% not adult and the "girl you would tap" thread is just porn with some artistic nudity.

Now I understand you guys are having a good time with your e-thuggin, anything goes atmosphere but I'm not feeling it. Not SR. There are a million other places to act this way on the internet and I like my scooter forums friendly and perhaps a little welcoming. I'm not looking for strict control because SR never was that either but I'd like the wild west to end.

And don't attack me and say I want to take all the fun out of the board cause I don't. If Scooter Resource is only fun because you can troll and call people out on stupid shit online without any repercussions (thread might get locked but not until Rob gets the last word) than please just leave, this is about scooters and the love of it, it's bigger then you or me.

The people i'm talking about haven't ever ridden for the love of it. You've made a competition out of everything: who has the best parts, who can do the trendiest tricks and what clique you managed to weasel your way into. Scooter riding has never been a social club, it's been an art of self expression and stress release and if you can't understand that maybe you should join a sports team and cut your losses. Stop flaming each other over the internet when if you met at the skatepark you would be totally cool with each other. Go out and ride, I dare you... All by yourself on a shitty day with your favorite tunes, thats what it means to be a part of this.

Five years from now? Part of me hopes the industry dies and everyone who didn't love this shit to start with leaves and we are left with real riders... It's dark but it sounds so idealistic. On the real, if SR is still here in five years I hope the community will have more unity and the days of threads either being a shitstorm or a dicksucking contest will be over.


Staff member
>says i don't care
>me and kieran banned over 400 spam accounts in one go
>hands out many infractions but tries not to ban people unless they do seriously bad things
>tries to keep the forum more light hearted instead of a strict regime of mods against members
>no one cares anyway



Steel Member
If Scooter Resource is only fun because you can troll and call people out on stupid shit online without any repercussions (thread might get locked but not until Rob gets the last word) than please just leave, this is about scooters and the love of it, it's bigger then you or me.

The people i'm talking about haven't ever ridden for the love of it. Go out and ride, I dare you... All by yourself on a shitty day with your favorite tunes, thats what it means to be a part of this.

Five years from now? Part of me hopes the industry dies and everyone who didn't love this shit to start with leaves and we are left with real riders... It's dark but it sounds so idealistic.

On the real, if SR is still here in five years I hope the community will have more unity and the days of threads either being a shitstorm or a dicksucking contest will be over.

In order of paragraphs:

1. Thought you were calling me out.

2. Never mind, that pretty much describes me perfectly.

3. I don't know about you, but I don't want this sport to be the next rollerblading. It's getting big fast, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The days of having to watch your ass when you went to a skate park, hoping that somebody didn't start shit and kick you out is past us. Also, I like having legit parts. I'll always be in it for the riding, regardless of how big the sport gets. Don't worry about what other people are doing. If you can do that, the sport will never change.

4. Seriously you could put any forum name in that sentence and it will still be valid. The only reason SR is worse is because the age demographic on this site is lower than most. But if you've ever even browsed a skating forum, BMX forum, etc, this place looks like an oasis compared to those unintelligible fuckers.