How to dye a wheel-Step by Step(pics included)


dood i never knew how to do this till now.. THANK YOU SO FKING MUCH! please sticky this so like when i get some metalcores(white) unless they have different colors and sh1t im gonna try this! very very nice! this answered so many peoples questions about it lol
this is good, I dye wheels all the time, but I recommend to NOT boil the water first. Just get it a little hot. I say this because if the water is too hot you could loosen up the glue that holds the urethane on and your wheel will dehub a lot faster.


Bronze member
hey guys just to clear it up about the boiling, i dont like it like bubble and get mega hot i just wait till a few minor bubbles start to rise(like how it looks in the tutorial pic)


Hep Greg said:
AJ Iorio said:
The hotter the water, the deeper the color will go, and the better it will show up.
lol the boiling point is the hottest that water CAN go before evaporating into steam..
Yeah I just completely spoke out my ass, but I've died wheels before, and when the water was boiled like really hot (where there was big bubbles and shit) it worked better than when the watter was like starting to bubble.