Steel Member
Depends on what color your car sounds good, but idk. I'll keep looking around. I really would want black with a blue lip
Depends on what color your car sounds good, but idk. I'll keep looking around. I really would want black with a blue lip
what you mean its a low air area?
your actual regular filter connects to the intake manny, box->plastic tubing connecting them->intake manny
cold air is replacing the filter with usually a cone'd filter and the plastic tubing with a metal tubing.
yes i know the boxes usually run in front of your wheel wells and correction my mix up. the intake will be secured to the throttle body which is bolted onto the intake manny.
butttt here, your setups gona prolly look alot diff but this is a simple one;
mine runs exactly as above,doesnt affect mine or my friends
Errm. With that huge ass battery in the way doesn't that suck for the intake? lol. it must cut some air from getting in?