i got dub whips FLAT almost everytry today.
lipslide my whole rail
and got boardslide to heelwhip out.

oh and heelwhip over a foot high thing


Sam Carter said:
i am original wen graham is in town :p
You'll run out of tricks to snake eventually, then you'll either beg for me to come back or start doing tech manny stuff.
Edit: Sam learn some more scooterfakie stuff, thats one of the few origional (although you snaked it off me in first place) things you do that me and tom don't do
Edit2: learn scooter fakie whip out over the lil driveway
Edit3: or heelwhip out whichevers easier


Steel Member
im learning rotorwhips, 1 footed every time., ill probs get them today.
3whips every time yesterday.
Feeble stall into deck manny
I've quit briflips, i've learnt them, but i never do them.
Everyone is trying to be original, so it's gunna get harder and harder to do so. I can't do tech well at all. Tech for me is bar to manny, to bar to manny to bar to fakie, that's all i can do over a driveway,into a quarter. but yeah
woooooooo i learned how 2 clear the box outa the mini backwards 2day !! woo n i learned how 2 180 over the funbox 2 fakie halfcab out!!
init mush

i got:
the cleanest dub whip flat you would ever see.
a clean fingerwhip 2nd try
a tripple (one footed) off the side of the small funbox at hyde
360 the same funbox

whip up manny pad to dub whip off
bar up dub off
360 up and off
180 up clean hopless fakie to half cab off.

on the side i got:
whip to feeble
feeble to whip
bar to feeble
feeble to bar
feeble to smith
smith to whip
smith to bar
whip to feeble to opposite 360 off
bar to feeble to whip out.

and very attractive turndowns
(Sorry graham this is the last trick i ill snake i promise!) i got quite consistannt 360's over botto big box 2day untill i slipped out cus o the paint !
lol took some of toms fav tricks today haha bar to manuel to whip out corey saw it lol tryed to get some footage of it but i bared to manule and some how i ended up scooter fakie down the bank :S:S lol
woo today i rode for 1st time after my 2 week holiday :O it was sick!! with robs bars and fork, i really do need a starnut tho it keeps comin loose :( anyway heres wat i learnt today:
whip to bar
gettin better at tuck no airs
barspin feeble manual down qp 180 out yeh loads of stuff like that its fun :)
o yerr and nearly front scooterflip off this ledge thing i will get it!!!