haha all my friends say YEWWWWWWWWWWWWChad MacLean said:i saw him try it...i was like YOOOOOO
Rob Forman said:alley oop a qp gap.
haha alley opp it was natural for me haha, only way i could do it.Rob Parkinson said:aah rob u gay, i did the gap so had to alleyoop it didnt you, im quiting because im not progressing.
only joking sam
yeh cool coz in ur picture u are airing well high!! once u learn bri airs they are the easiest trick in the world trust meCoreyyyy.H said:jondogg i find airs like that easyier than bri's and stuff but i nealry got a bri air , i can get a foot on them so i will try land them next time i ride