todayy i learnt...
i learnt footjams!! ha i dont really like them they r easy and look gay. i also learnt 540 on a bank annd alottttt higher consistant airs on mini like nearly metre high i think i hope anyway lol


Steel Member
with 13 wides, i've got bar to bar, bar to oppo bar, oppo bar to bar, suicides ( almost extended )
I've also got feeble grinds on 5ft qps, boost over a volcano / spine thing, quite high.
and small bar airs
Lewis said:
with 13 wides, i've got bar to bar, bar to oppo bar, oppo bar to bar, suicides ( almost extended )
I've also got feeble grinds on 5ft qps, boost over a volcano / spine thing, quite high.
and small bar airs
BAR BAR BAR BAR!!! barspins ftw tho <333333333
Lewis said:
with 13 wides, i've got bar to bar, bar to oppo bar, oppo bar to bar, suicides ( almost extended )
I've also got feeble grinds on 5ft qps, boost over a volcano / spine thing, quite high.
and small bar airs

and you asked me at the works whether i was good at stuff like that and you were wowed.

im very wowed
got dub whips flat every try
got a decade flat
got 180 bar to fakie to half cab whip
heelwhip up curb
so close to manual to scooter fakie



just tried flat double downside to fakie in my backyard. first try, ive prob done them before tho just cant remember
bars on bmx into foam, going next week aswell so ill have them on resi. Also rode scooter dropped that 14ft at corby, front bris back easily, grind that box at corby down into the flatbank, 360 resi.