scootsteve said:

bris one footed flat today on my mates stock jdbug!!
lol u love talking to me about briflips, i can do briflips like everywhere and land them 1 footed, flat too, its just moving from 1 footed to both feet, it takes time
Graham Kimbell said:
lol I learned briflips whored them for like a week or so
now I either don't do them, or stick a combo in
same, ive never really found them a fun trick to do, they just feel nice. i onlydo them off things now like banks
Sam Carter said:
bri airs are ok but briflip flyout is a NOGO zone as they r rubbish and also look rubbish!
mmmm i do agree, they are pretty easy on flyout and it doesnt really take skill, its just chucking it and landing it but i dont do them on flyout anymore, i sumtimes do them as a warmup trick, new tricks:
bmx, tire tap WOOO 4ft, nearly 360 out this tiny kicker, i love 180 to fakies.
scooter, hmmmngggg just gettin trucks better and 360 barspins, 360 barspins flat


JonDogg said:
Sam Carter said:
bri airs are ok but briflip flyout is a NOGO zone as they r rubbish and also look rubbish!
mmmm i do agree, they are pretty easy on flyout and it doesnt really take skill, its just chucking it and landing it but i dont do them on flyout anymore, i sumtimes do them as a warmup trick, new tricks:
bmx, tire tap WOOO 4ft, nearly 360 out this tiny kicker, i love 180 to fakies.
scooter, hmmmngggg just gettin trucks better and 360 barspins, 360 barspins flat

same thing?
Graham Kimbell said:
truckdrivers and 360 barspins are exectly the same thing
Jondogg your just doing fs and bs truckdrivers
i duno if im wrong but i cant see it being a truckdriver, i spin right and spin the bars right, wen i do truckdrivers i spin left and spin the bars right


lol the direction doesnt matter
Tom spins right (bs), he barspins right, he does bs truckdrivers
I spin left (fs) and barspin right, I do fs truckdrivers
Ryan young spins left and barspins left (bs)(i think) he does bs truckdrivers

truckdrivers are just 360 barspins, its just another name for them