Customers problems? There is no problem and you have no intention of being my customer according to your post a few up.
If you think it is wrong that I do not cater to weight freaks then I am sorry but that is not going to change and I am not going to answer questions about "exact" weight. People who want the best scooter parts made will buy them, ride them and love them. If you do not want to be part of that group then no one is forcing you.
If your friends have questions they can email me at
Knowing that thicker material cost more money how is it possible for me to be selling the cheapest one piece bars if they were thicker?
Knowing that Jon Reyes
rides extremely light and tech do you really think these would be his bar of choice if they were heavy?
And to Josh:
Nothing out there is of equal strength... certainly not at this strength to weight ratio. As far as weight in comparison to BUFFS, I don't know. Whether they are a few ounces lighter or heavier really makes no difference. It's not going to make you any better or worse of a rider. If you like the way they look better than BUFFS then that is reason enough to buy them because they are going to perform exactly the same plus you will be happy with the way your scooter looks.